4 ancient figures renowned for war tactics, military contributions throughout Chinese history

By South China Morning Post | Created at 2024-09-28 11:23:12 | Updated at 2024-09-30 09:37:51 1 day ago

There may be no more renowned historical military figure than the ancient philosopher-general Sun Tzu, whose seminal work, The Art of War, remains widely read today.

Sun Tzu is such a revered figure that he eclipses many great military leaders who have attained immense glory throughout Chinese history.

Whether it is overthrowing a despised regime, taking extraordinary risks on the battlefield, or repelling pirate attacks, these four generals distinguish themselves as pivotal military leaders from China’s history.

Wu Qi (440-381 BC)

Wu Qi is less renowned for his military strategies than for his political reforms, serving as a cautionary tale of how abrupt political shifts can lead to disaster.

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