A new category of medical professional joins in providing abortion pill reversal

By CatholicVote | Created at 2024-10-21 23:07:19 | Updated at 2024-10-24 00:32:08 2 days ago

CV NEWS FEED// Pharmacists have now joined the ranks of medical professionals committed to providing women with a second chance to choose life, expanding the Abortion Pill Rescue Network (APRN), according to Pregnancy Help News

Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) gives women who regret taking the first pill in a chemical abortion the opportunity to save their babies by counteracting the effects of mifepristone with bioidentical progesterone. This life-saving protocol has already resulted in more than 5,000 babies being saved, and now, with pharmacists on board, even more lives can be spared.

Chemical abortions involve two drugs: mifepristone, which blocks the essential pregnancy hormone progesterone, and misoprostol, which expels the baby. Women who regret taking mifepristone are often in a state of panic, but APR offers hope. By administering progesterone after the first drug, but before the second, doctors can reverse the effects of mifepristone and save the child. A 2018 peer-reviewed study found that 64%-68% of pregnancies were saved through APR, and the process has proven to be safe for both mothers and their babies.

Christa Brown, senior director of Medical Impact for Heartbeat International, welcomed the involvement of pharmacists in APRN, calling it “the next logical step.” Brown emphasized that pharmacists, with their expertise, are perfectly positioned to help women in crisis, ensuring they receive the care they need quickly and efficiently. 

“Pharmacists have a depth of understanding of how the drug mifepristone works and how its dangerous effects can be reversed with progesterone,” Brown  told Pregnancy Help News. This additional level of support is critical in a woman’s time of need, helping her choose life for her child.

Despite political opposition from pro-abortion activists who try to suppress the truth about APR, Brown made it clear that the reversal process is backed by science and rooted in care for both mother and child. Progesterone has been safely used to support pregnancies for decades and received FDA approval in 1998. 

“It is unethical to withhold information and access to this care from those requesting it,” Brown said, underscoring the injustice of denying women the option to reverse a decision they regret and saving their unborn baby.

The APRN operates swiftly, connecting women with life-saving resources around the clock. When a woman reaches out, trained nurses respond immediately, helping her understand the reversal process and connecting her with local APR providers. The involvement of pharmacists is crucial because of the time-sensitive nature of APR. They help ensure that progesterone prescriptions are filled without delay, giving women the best chance to save their child.


Brown told Pregnancy Help News that while political ideology sometimes creates barriers, such as pharmacies refusing to fill prescriptions for progesterone, the APRN stands ready to assist, rerouting women to other pharmacies when necessary. The network continues to grow, always looking for more pro-life medical professionals, including OB-GYNs, pregnancy centers, and pharmacists, to join the cause of protecting life.

The inclusion of pharmacists in the APRN is a major pro-life victory, providing more resources to support women who choose to reverse a chemical abortion.

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