A Year of Hatred

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-10-07 14:05:49 | Updated at 2024-10-07 16:26:11 2 hours ago

Monday marks the first anniversary of the Oct. 7, 2023 jihad massacre, in which Hamas operatives brutally murdered 1,200 Israelis. It is hard to imagine that only a year has passed since then, as the world has been utterly transformed since the Hamas paragliders landed amid revelers at the Nova Music Festival, and rampaged through the surrounding areas, kidnapping numerous Israelis and murdering even more. Almost immediately, the left’s well-oiled victimhood propaganda machine swung into action, beginning a barrage of lies and distortions that one year later has made Israel more isolated on the global stage than it has been since the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948.

It was easy to get the impression that the propaganda initiative was ready to go, just waiting for a trigger. The massacre of innocent Israelis may have seemed to be an unlikely trigger for an attempt to turn the entire world against Israel, but as it happened, the moment was right, and there was an unholy convergence of dark forces that were quickly able to make it seem as if the Israelis had murdered 1,200 “Palestinians” on Oct. 7, and not the other way around.

The first of these forces were the cadres of student activists who began to agitate for “Palestinians,” and in an increasingly open manner for Hamas itself and other jihad terror organizations, on campuses all across the country. These miseducated and self-righteous students had been skillfully and thoroughly propagandized, courtesy of the leftist professors who dominate virtually every college and university in the nation.

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In that sense, the post-Oct. 7 propaganda war actually began in the 1960s, with the left’s Long March Through the Institutions that transformed our nation’s colleges and universities from institutions of higher learning to the radioactive wastelands of far-left indoctrination and propaganda that they are today. When the Oct. 7 massacres happened, these thoroughly propagandized students, generously financed through unseen sources, were ready with claims that Israel was an illegitimate “settler-colonialist” entity, an apartheid state, an occupying power, and so on and on.

That deftly turned the attention away from what Hamas had done on Oct. 7, and focused it on what the Israelis were supposedly doing to the “Palestinians.” Oct. 7 then became an understandable incidence of an oppressed people lashing out at their oppressor. Never mind that it was all nonsense and falsehood. Never mind that in Israel, non-Jews have full equality of rights, and that Israel is the only state that has any legitimate legal claim to the territory it is supposed to be “occupying.”

Never mind that the Jews are the actual indigenous people of the area, and the Arabs are the actual “settler-colonialists.” All of that and much more had been deliberately withheld or obfuscated in the classes the students who filled the campus encampments had attended. They were dutiful bots of the anti-Israel propaganda machine in service of the jihad against Israel, while thinking they were on the side of justice and righteousness.

Hamas did its part by publishing demonstrably false casualty figures of “Palestinians” in Gaza. The establishment media did its part by repeating those casualty figures as if they were reliable. Even the UN published them without any warnings, caveats, or clear indication of their source. Israel, went the claim, had committed Oct. 7 massacres for years before Hamas carried out its own, and was still doing so. Here again, none of this was true, but after all these years of leftist media propaganda and miseducation, a significant segment of the American people are just as incapable as college and university students of winnowing out truth from falsehood and recognizing propaganda for what it is.

Then there was the Biden-Harris regime, with Old Joe and then Kamala Harris in a tight race with the left’s foremost figure of evil, Donald Trump. The party’s far-left base has been in a state of perpetual rage ever since Oct. 7, because even though the Biden-Harris regime has financed the jihad against Israel by sending $10 billion to Iran and one billion to Gaza, the likes of Rashida Tlaib and Nihad Awad of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have repeatedly demanded that the betrayal of Israel be more comprehensive and thoroughgoing. They have threatened to bolt from the Democrats’ shaky coalition if they don’t get this full betrayal.

That could cost Kamala Harris Michigan and Minnesota, and the election. As a result, first Biden and then Harris have cravenly endorsed and parroted the Hamas propaganda, and striven mightily to stymie Israel’s war effort and make sure it loses.

And so one year after Oct. 7, Israel’s foremost ally hates it, the rest of the world hates it, and only the hated state is standing against the bloodthirsty forces of jihad that, although Biden and Harris remain indifferent (at best) to the fact, hate the U.S. as much as they hate Israel, and will target us next. When these jihad forces do strike the U.S. directly, Harris will likely be ready with a fine package of aid for them.

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