Adam Schiff Rehires Pro-Jihad Muslim Brotherhood Operative

By Geller Report | Created at 2025-01-19 20:36:26 | Updated at 2025-01-20 05:18:36 8 hours ago

Adam Schiff has re-hired radical terror supporter Maher Bitar. Bitar was the president of SJP which calls for the “Total eradication of Western civilisation.” . The destruction of Western Civilization is the goal of the entire Democrat Party.

And How does a jihadi like Bitar get security clearance?

Furthermore, Schiff should be in prison for his treason attempt to overthrow Trump. He was censured by Congress for his lies to the American public, politically weaponizing his position against President Trump.

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Related: Biden Regime Weighing Preemptive Pardons for Adam Schiff

Bitar is:

* Anti-Israel activist
* Was an intern at the Foundation for Middle East Peace
* Was an executive board member of Georgetown University’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine
* Supporter of the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement

Canary Mission Overview:

Maher Bitar is a senior U.S. intelligence official who spread hatred of Israel and promoted a policy that would result in Israel’s destruction. He was also a leader of the anti-Israel campus group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Georgetown University (Georgetown) in 2006, where he promoted [p. 119] the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement.

As of March 3, 2024, Bitar had been serving in the White House as special assistant to the U.S. president and senior director for intelligence programs at the National Security Council (NSC) since January 2021.

According to the United States Government Manual, the NSC “advises and assists the President, in conjunction with the National Economic Council, with the integration of all aspects of national security policy—domestic, economic, foreign, intelligence, and military—that affects the United States.”

Bitar also served as NSC’s “director for Israeli-Palestinian affairs” under former U.S. president Barack Obama, and as “general counsel for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in the U.S. Congress” from 2017 to 2021.

As of March 14, 2024, Bitar’s LinkedIn profile said he had interned in 2007 with the terror-affiliated United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), reportedly in Jerusalem.

The United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) has hired Hamas members as teachers in its schools and provided arms to the terror group. Dozens of UNRWA staff participated in the October 7, 2023, Hamas terror attack on Israel, and many kept hostages for Hamas in their homes.

In 2005, Bitar worked [p. 2] as an intern for the anti-Israel organization Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP). FMEP has provided grants to multiple anti-Israel groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and IfNotNow (INN).

Bitar, who also goes by Maher Brian Samir Bitar, received a JD from the Georgetown University Law Center in 2012 and was a member of the Maryland State Bar Association.

As of March 2024, Bitar’s since-deleted LinkedIn bio said he was a PhD candidate. However, his LinkedIn Education section said he received a PhD in international relations from Oxford University (Oxford) in 2012.

this is who Maher Bitar is. Never forget.

— shari white 🇺🇸🇮🇱 🎗️ (@07shari22) January 19, 2025

Adam Schiff was "thrilled" to have Maher Bitar back. Bitar worked for Obama admin as Samantha Power deputy while she was at the NSC and is good friend of Jake Sullivan. Bitar has been custodian of the server since day 1 of Biden admin

— Ellie ♕ (@EllieAsksWhy) June 16, 2024

Sen. Adam Schiff Rehires Staffer with Ties to Antisemitic Group

By: Jewish News Syndicate (JNS),

Sen. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) re-hired Maher Bitar, a former White House staffer who used to be a leader of Students for Justice in Palestine, a group that advocates the destruction of Israel, the Breitbart news site reported on Saturday.

Bitar was listed sometime in January as working for Schiff, a moderate Democrat who is Jewish, on LegiStorm, an organization with a website that lists congressional aides and other staff.

Bitar, who had worked for Schiff in the past, left the then-member of the House of Representees’ staff to serve in the Biden administration as the White House coordinator for intelligence and defense policy at the U.S. National Security Council

Bitar also worked to work for UNRWA, which Israel last year said was deeply infiltrated by Hamas.

Before that, he studied at the University of Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre, writing papers on the nakba, the Arabic-language name for the Arabs’ defeat in their war against Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel in 1948-49, and on “Palestinian” activism, according to Breitbart. He appeared to describe Israel’s Judea and Samaria security barrier as a “segregation wall.”

Students for Justice in Palestine members have been involved in many cases of glorifying terrorism and harassing Jewish students, both before and after the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas-led attack on Israel.

At Tufts University in Massachusetts, the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter praised the “creativity” of the Hamas massacre, drawing rebuke from the university administration.

Students for Justice in Palestine internal materials exposed by the Israel on Campus Coalition speak of how the “total return and liberation to Palestine is near …, armed struggle… is legitimate, and all of it is necessary.”
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