Astrologist reveals what each zodiac sign can expect in their love lives this Mercury Retrograde

By Daily Mail (U.S.) | Created at 2025-03-18 00:25:17 | Updated at 2025-03-18 05:14:39 5 hours ago

March has been one intense astrological event after the other.

And if you thought the blood moon was the last of it, right on its heels comes the quarterly event that has everyone on high alert: Mercury Retrograde.

Mercury is believed to be the planet of communication and transportation. 

And at any other time of the year, its movement through the different zodiacs is typically a positive thing.

But when Mercury goes Retrograde, it means that because of the different orbital speeds of the planets, from Earth it seems as if the planet is going backwards.

And while scientifically, this doesn't mean much for your everyday life, it definitely has major astrological effects. 

Mercury Retrogrades are typically seen as times replete with confusion and disarray, but different astrologists have varying opinions on what this means for each sign. 

Now, a time categorized by communication issues seems like it could only mean misfortune for your love life - but don't count it out just yet. 

Mercury is set to go Retrograde in Aries from March 15 to March 29 and then in Pisces from March 29 to April 7 (stock image)

Astrologist Lisa Stardust breaks down just how this upcoming Mercury Retrograde is going to affect each sign.

While some astrologists advise looking at either your sun or rising sign, Lisa encourages readers to do what feels right for them.  


It's time to come to terms with old relationships. 

'They'll be focusing on healing and coming to terms with the ramifications of past relationships,' Lisa says.

She explains that at this time, admitting that they're wrong about something from the past will be tough but necessary.  


Taurus is going to be defining the relationship when it comes to their love lives - especially if they want to see positive changes.

'If it ain't broke they won't have to worry but if relationships are, changes must be made,' Lisa says. 


 The Gemini twins are in the middle of figuring out balance in their life.

Astrologist Lisa Stardust says Leos will soon realize that fame and glory isn't all they're cracked up to be, especially without a partner by their side (stock image)

During this time they'll be strategizing to see how a certain love match might align with their life.

'It may not hold weight amidst their schedule,' Lisa says.  


'These lunar babes are staying far away from arguing with their loved ones,' Lisa says.

She explains that during this Retrograde they might find themselves kind of keeping their heads in the clouds - but this honestly might just be for the best. 

The longer you stay in the clouds, the less time you have being down to earth battling it out with someone you love. 


'As usual, fame and glory are on their minds,' Lisa says.

But she explains that they're probably realizing right now that these accolades aren't all they're cracked up to be - especially when they're so distracted by the FOMO they're having about partnerships.


Lisa explains that for Virgo, love is definitely on the brain.

'So much so, that they're willing to put up with a lot to welcome crushes and significant others into their lives,' she says.

Just remember that your standards exist for a reason. 

Why are some signs affected more?

The reason why various signs feel some of the retrogrades more than others is two-fold. Firstly, it depends on which sign the planets are in while they retrograde. If a planet is retrograding in your sign or your opposite sign, you’re going to feel it more. The same applies if the planet is in a sign three away from yours in either direction.

It also depends on an astrological system called rulership. This is where a planet ‘rules’ a sign. So, according to the modern version of the system: the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer; Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo; Venus rules Taurus and Libra; Mars rules Aries; Jupiter rules Sagittarius; Saturn rules Capricorn; Uranus rules Aquarius; Neptune rules Pisces; and Pluto rules Scorpio.

So if your star sign’s — or rising sign’s — ruling planet is retrograding, you’re also going to feel it more!


If you've been feeling lazy lately, odds are this is seeping into your love life as well, Libra.

'Expect the bare, minimal effort in the love department,' Lisa says.  


Mercury Retrograde is telling Scorpio to embrace their inner child during this time.

'Doing things they wanted to but could not in their youth will soothe their temperaments,' Lisa says. 

She advises going to an amusement park on date night. 


If there was ever a time to be a homebody for your Sagittarius, it's this Mercury Retrograde.

'That way, they don't have to be involved in any messy drama and can cuddle up with their crush,' Lisa says.  


 Lisa explains that this Mercury Retrograde will inspire Capricorn to align with family and take a trip down memory lane.

And what better person to share these memories with than a significant other or crush?

'Perhaps scrapbooking is the project of the season,' Lisa says. 


During this Mercury Retrograde, Aquarius will feel the urge to gossip about anything and everything.

And they'll want to join in on the conversation - so long as it doesn't involve their own relationship.

'But the more they participate in the rumors, the easier it'll be for people to talk about them,' Lisa says.  


This Retrograde is all about money talks.

'Financial planning and budgeting is essential when it comes to planning a romantic getaway to ensure their bank accounts aren't depleted,' Lisa says.

And remember that Mercury Retrogrades typically mess with transportation and technology - so be sure to get that flight insurance and have a plan B. 

While astrologers typically warn about Mercury Retrograde, it's no reason to jump into panic mode. 

Just remember that at a time where communication may be especially affected, it's important to choose your words wisely and wait until after the Retrograde to have that confrontation you've been thinking about. 

This upcoming Retrograde will be in Aries from March 15 to March 29 and then the Retrograde will be in Pisces from March 29 to April 7.

And while Mercury being Retrograde in Pisces will bring about it's own set of challenges, you probably just want to focus on one thing at a time. 

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