Beijing officials make twin call for Hong Kong businessmen to support growth

By South China Morning Post | Created at 2024-09-25 14:57:57 | Updated at 2024-09-30 15:25:52 5 days ago

Beijing’s top officials overseeing Hong Kong affairs have called on leading businessmen to turn their patriotism into action and learn from their counterparts in Guangdong province to set the next stage of the city’s development.

In a letter read out at the 10th anniversary of a leading local think tank on Wednesday, Xia Baolong, head of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, said China was at a “critical period” and the city had a role to play in the nation’s transformation.

“[We should] inherit the fine tradition of patriotism and love for the motherland. Adapt to the changes in the times, identify the changes accurately, respond to changes scientifically, seek changes proactively,” Xia was quoted as saying in the letter read out by Bernard Chan, the chairman of Our Hong Kong Foundation.

“Steadfastly support the chief executive and the government’s governance in accordance with the law. Be united, seize opportunities, strive for the economy, carry out construction and strive for development,” Xia said.

The organisation was founded by Hong Kong’s first chief executive, Tung Chee-hwa in 2014, when the occupy civil disobedience movement was first beginning to form.

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