Best Shard Cards in FragPunk you need to unlock

By Dexerto | Created at 2025-03-07 00:28:30 | Updated at 2025-03-09 00:17:29 2 days ago

FragPunk has landed, bringing a hero shooter that completely flips its own rules on its head, every single round. To do that, however, you’ll need some of the best Shard Cards in the game.

Just like any hero shooter, no two items are the same. Shard Cards fall safely into that category, with each offering a different rule change depending on the ones you pull and vote on. As such, they have the power to force a win, or a loss, if you select the right ones.

So, to ensure you’re prepared to destroy the enemy and win as many battles as you can, here are the best Shard Cards in FragPunk.

Hud Remix

Fragpunk Hud Remix Shard CardDexerto / Bad Guitar Studio

Hud Remix is easily one of the most powerful Shard Cards in FragPunk, and if it comes up on your rotation, you should always invest in it. After all, there’s nothing more satisfying than being so close to death, swapping your health bar with the enemy, and then ending them in a matter of seconds.

It’s the perfect retaliation, and works amazingly if you struggle in duels or unexpected combat. Just make sure you only use it when you’re own health is lower than the enemies, or that’s a pretty embarrassing death.

Life Saver

Fragpunk Life Saver Shard CardDexerto / Bad Guitar Studio

FragPunks’ main game mode only allows you to die once. When you’re down, you’re doomed to sit back and watch your teammates attempting to plant or destroy the Converter without being able to have any input. Thankfully, this is where the Life Saver Shard Card comes in, allowing you to revive teammates once.

With this, your entire team has another life, essentially doubling your power and completely overturning the enemy, especially if you work well as a team. Just ensure you always have another teammate to revive you, and you’ll dominate any battle when using this card.

Death’s Embrace

Fragpunk Death's Embrace Shard CardDexerto / Bad Guitar Studio

Shockingly, Death’s Embrace is one of the cheaper cards to invest in, despite it being one of the most powerful. Essentially, if you deal any damage to an enemy, a Reaper will appear behind them, and throw down an execution zone. After a short while, it’ll deal 75 damage to that enemy.

So, if you manage to hit the enemy team, the Reaper will end up finishing them off for you. Provided the enemy isn’t aware of the Reaper, it’s essentially a free kill.

Tick Tock

Fragpunk Tick Tock Shard CardDexerto / Bad Guitar Studio

Planting a converter in a small map isn’t exactly an easy feat, especially when you’re only given one minute to do so. If the enemy is planting, activating the Tick Tock card will instantly cause a panic and undoubtedly force them to make mistakes.

If they decide to play it safe, then the sites will be disabled, guaranteeing you a win. Let’s just hope the enemy team cracks under pressure.

Dimensional Travel

Fragpunk Dimensional Travel Shard CardDexerto / Bad Guitar Studio

Dimensional Travel may seem a little chaotic at first glance, and it is. But it’s also the perfect opportunity to double down on your team strategy. If you’re in talks with your team, then you can communicate around which world you travel to. If you spot one enemy player teleporting, then your entire team can do the same to eliminate them while they’re alone.

Or, if you need to get away and plant, your team can change worlds, eliminating any threat… until the enemy catches on that is.

So, those are the best Shard Cards in FragPunk. While grabbing as many cards as you can and hoping for any of the above, be sure to check out all you need to know on the game’s many powerful Lancers. After all, no card is as powerful as a skilled Lancer.

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