Biden/Harris Disgarced Iran Envoy Robert Malley Is Under FBI investigation

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-24 12:38:12 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:36:49 5 days ago

Robert Malley should be investigated as a traitor. Instead “Malley is now teaching students at Princeton University and Yale University about U.S. foreign policy and human rights, though he remains on unpaid leave from the State Department, awaiting resolution of the FBI’s investigation.”

As one commenter sharply observed, “Malley skirts the edge of treason. A case for sedition can be made.”

Biden’s chief “negotiator” is a notorious Hamas supporter.

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 It was Obama who named Malley a key foreign policy advisor.

Malley had met with representatives from Hamas and held entrenched anti-Jewish views, facts that forced Obama to let him go—albeit temporarily.

United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on State Department Management, today issued a statement after the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released its report on the Department’s handling of the suspension of U.S. Special Envoy for Iran Rob Malley’s security clearance.  The Inspector General’s report responds to a July 13, 2023, letter led by Senator Hagerty and signed by 17 other senators that requested the OIG to investigate whether State Department officials had complied with all appropriate laws and regulations when they suspended Malley’s access to classified information.  News reports revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating Malley for mishandling classified information, including moving “classified information onto his personal email, where it may have fallen into the hands of a foreign actor.”

“We see growing evidence of Iran collusion by members of the Biden-Harris Administration amid the FBI’s reported ongoing investigation into Special Envoy for Iran Rob Malley’s mishandling of classified information and news reports that Malley and other Biden-Harris Administration officials were part of the Iranian regime’s malign influence network known as the ‘Iran Experts Initiative’,” said Senator Hagerty.  “The Inspector General’s report today includes new damning revelations about the cover-up, politicization, and systemic lack of accountability in the Biden-Harris Administration’s State Department amid the Malley scandal.  If the Trump Administration had done anything like this, this story would be leading the news on a daily basis.”

The State Department’s Inspector General report reveals:

  • The Biden-Harris Administration’s State Department violated the law:  “the Department violated the Department of State Authorities Act in not reporting the allegations against Mr. Malley to OIG” (p. 18).
  • Malley participated in a classified call even after the Department had technically suspended his clearance:  “The [State Department leadership’s] notification delay allowed Special Envoy Malley the opportunity to participate in a secure telephone call with White House officials on Friday, April 21, which occurred after his clearance was suspended but before he was notified” (p. 12).
  • The Department restored Malley’s access to ‘sensitive but unclassified’ information systems because leadership rationalized that ‘he might turn to personal email if his Department email access was not restored’:  the Inspector General called this rationale “a questionable justification” because “Department policy prohibits using personal email as the primary means of conducting government business” (p. 18).


Biden’s Iran Envoy Wanted a Nuclear Deal. It May Have Cost Him His Career.

Robert Malley, who was known for engaging adversaries and pushing the envelope on diplomacy, is under FBI investigation

By Brett Forrest, Wall Street Journal, Sept. 22, 2024:

It was the spring of 2021, and the city was on a pandemic-era lockdown, with the Austrian government restricting outdoor activity to exercise and essential shopping. The closed Hapsburg-era Hotel Imperial reopened for Malley, the Biden administration’s Iran envoy, and his negotiating team.

They booked a suite and brought in conference tables and chairs from the U.S. Embassy.

Malley was seeking a negotiated return to a landmark 2015 agreement forged under President Barack Obama to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

Instead, Malley at times left his Western allies confused and was at odds with some of his key deputies. Within 16 months of starting, the talks were dead, and Malley ultimately found himself caught in a spiraling FBI investigation into whether he had improperly handled secret information, potentially moving classified materials to a personal email account.

The man who was supposed to lead efforts to contain Tehran’s regional and nuclear ambitions has been sidelined, his top-secret security clearance suspended, and placed on unpaid leave from government. The State Department continues to face questions over Malley, including from its inspector general, which in a report released this month said he might have been allowed access to sensitive materials even after his clearance was suspended.

Malley’s fall from official grace is part of the larger failure of the Biden administration’s efforts to contain Iran’s ambitions. Despite several years of efforts, Iran is two weeks away from producing enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in July.

A bald, bearded and wiry 61-year-old, Malley was marked early in his career as someone who looked at geopolitical issues in shades of gray rather than in black and white. The son of a leading Egyptian intellectual who dedicated himself to Arab causes, Malley had gone to school with Blinken in Paris and spent decades in and out of government going farther than any other prominent recent U.S. diplomat to engage adversaries and terror groups in the Middle East.

The investigation into Malley’s conduct led to a tense meeting between senior Federal Bureau of Investigation and State Department officials, according to people familiar with the conversations: The FBI viewed his work as sloppy, and the implications serious, while the State Department officials defended him.

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