Bishop Strickland condemns Pope Francis’ appointment of Cardinal McElroy as DC archbishop

By LifeSiteNews (Faith) | Created at 2025-01-06 19:49:16 | Updated at 2025-01-08 03:09:21 1 day ago

Mon Jan 6, 2025 - 2:48 pm EST

Editor’s note: The following statement is taken from an X post by Bishop Joseph Strickland published on January 6, 2024. 

(LifeSiteNews) — In November, I asked the bishops of the United States, “What will it take?” It’s not surprising that I received no response from the bishops. The appointment of the corrupt Cardinal McElroy to the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., raises the question again.

In November I asked the bishops of the United States, “What will it take?”. It’s not surprising that I received no response from the bishops. The appointment of the corrupt Cardinal McElroy to the Archdiocese of Washington DC raises the question again.

The blatant corruption of…

— Bishop J. Strickland (@BishStrickland) January 6, 2025

READ: Pope Francis’ new cardinal pick has a horrifying record on homosexuality and abortion

The blatant corruption of Pope Francis and the U.S. Cardinals is on full display with the appointment of a McCarrick clone to the same archdiocese where his evil reigned twenty years ago. All of us who love Jesus Christ and His Church must speak out against these wolves of the hierarchy. We cannot remain silent in the face of this blatant corruption.

Once again I call on my brother bishops to speak up and say NO to this constant undermining of the Truth that is Jesus Christ. We all need the voice of St. John the Baptist as we call out the brood of vipers in the Vatican, “Repent and believe in the Gospel.” We must not remain silent as another flock in the Church is burdened with a corrupt hireling for a shepherd.


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