Captain Eitan Oster, 22, was killed in Lebanon

By The Jerusalem Post (World News) | Created at 2024-10-02 11:40:13 | Updated at 2024-10-03 17:24:19 1 day ago

Captain Oster, who was 22 years old and from Modi'in, was a soldier in the Egoz Unit.

 SECTION 27A COPYRIGHT ACT) Captain Eitan Oster, 22, from Modiin, who fell in Lebanon. (photo credit: SECTION 27A COPYRIGHT ACT)

An Israeli soldier, Captain Eitan Oster, was killed during fighting in Lebanon, Israeli media announced on Wednesday.

Captain Oster, 22 years old and from Modi'in, was a soldier in the Egoz Unit.

Several Israeli MKs reposted a video Oster recorded earlier this week, in which he can be heard saying, "There is no one prouder than me to lead fighters in the hope of completing our missions." 

Amichai Chikli posted about Oster's "extreme bravery."

סרן איתן אוסטר הי״ד בן 22 ממודיעין, לוחם ביחידת אגוז, נפל הלילה במהלך הלחימה בלבנון.הקדישו דקה וחצי מזמנכם להקשיב לדברים שאמר רק השבוע: ״אני רואה את זה כזכות היסטורית ובעזרת השם כמשהו שישפיע גם על הדורות הבאים. אני מודע לגודל האחריות שמונח על כתפיי. אין גאה ממני להוביל קדימה…

— עמיחי שיקלי - Amichai Chikli (@AmichaiChikli) October 2, 2024

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said, "Eitan's words pierce through our hearts and are a moral compass for all of us. I give a huge hug to his family. The people of Israel salute him."

His former Yeshiva, Or Torah Stone, sent condolences to the family, including his two brothers and his brother-in-law, who were also graduates of the yeshiva. 

His funeral is to be held on Mount Herzl on Wednesday afternoon.

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