Cardinal Zen issues another critique of Synod, calling for ‘successful ending’

By CatholicVote | Created at 2024-10-19 09:48:07 | Updated at 2024-10-24 02:20:03 4 days ago

CV NEWS FEED // Cardinal Joseph Zen has issued another criticism of the Synod on Synodality, this time calling for prayers for a swift and “successful ending” to the Synod and its discussions.

Cardinal Zen has previously expressed his concerns about the Synod in blog posts and in a letter to his fellow bishops, criticizing its unclear trajectory and the nature of conversations held at the Synod, like same-sex attraction and women’s ordination.

In his most recent critique, he argued that the Synod is unnecessarily dealing with topics that cannot be approved due to Church doctrine. He also pointed out that the Synod on Synodality has deviated from the traditional understanding of a synod through giving votes to the laity.

“The entire People of God should participate in the mission of evangelization. However, it is the Church hierarchy that ensures the direction of the Church’s journey and preserve the disposit [sic] of the faith handed down from the Apostles. Jesus handed over the Church to ‘the Apostles headed by Peter,’ and the Successors of the Apostles are the bishops,” Cardinal Zen emphasized, adding:

Since the beginning of this Synod, the two cardinals who lead the assembly and the new prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith did not stress the preservation of the faith, but emphasized changes, especially changes to the Church’s structure and ethical teachings; especially regarding “sex” ethical principles, most of all: same-sex relations.

Cardinal Zen was likely referring to Cardinal Mario Grech, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, and Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, SJ, the Synod’s General Rapporteur. Both have made ambiguous or controversial comments on women’s ordination or same-sex blessings. Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernandez, who was appointed prefect of the DDF in 2023, has also raised eyebrows with his own views on sexuality.

Cardinal Zen also accused the Synod’s organizers of including laity among the participants in order to “overthrow the Church hierarchy and implement a democratic system,” noting that 26% of the entire gathering are not bishops.

“The Pope has the power to convene any kind of advisory meeting. However, the Synod of Bishops initiated by Pope Paul VI was specifically designed to allow the Pope to hear the opinions of his brother bishops. With the “non-bishops” voting together, it is no longer a Synod of Bishops,” he highlighted.

The cardinal argued that three things must occur before the Synod can be said to have been ended well. First, it must return to the traditional sense of the word; second, it must resolve the confusion surrounding same-sex blessings in clear terms in light of Church doctrine; and third, the importance of Church hierarchy must be reestablished for the continuity of a universal Church.

However, “It is useless for us to be anxious over these issues,” Cardinal Zen concluded. “Fast and pray (especially the Rosary)! Hope will never get disappointed.”

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