Catholic League: Kamala Harris Is ‘Smart’ to Skip the Al Smith Dinner

By Breitbart News Network | Created at 2024-09-27 17:49:13 | Updated at 2024-09-30 09:34:21 2 days ago

Catholic League president Bill Donohue said Thursday that Vice President Kamala Harris is “smart” to skip the Al Smith Dinner in New York City, given her record of opposition to everything Catholics believe in.

Harris has turned down an invitation to speak at the Al Smith Dinner, offering the flimsy excuse that she will be “busy campaigning,” Dr. Donohue notes, making her the first presidential candidate to snub the charity dinner since Walter Mondale notoriously did so in 1984.

The glitzy dinner, named after the first Catholic to run for president in 1928, offers a sterling opportunity to showcase one’s policies and persona, Donohue proposes, but unfortunately for her, Harris “fails on both counts.”

On policy, the difference between the two presidential candidates could not be starker.

“Trump is pro-life, pro-school choice and pro-religious liberty,” Donohue writes, while Harris is “anti-life, anti-school choice and anti-religious liberty.”

Harris supports abortion-on-demand, never favoring a single restriction on what she euphemistically terms “reproductive freedom.”

Moreover, the vice-president has “consistently voted against every school choice measure ever proposed,” Donohue adds, since she is in thrall to the powerful teachers’ unions.

Harris has also sponsored some of the most aggressive anti-religious-liberty legislation ever brought before Congress, Donohue states, namely the Orwellian “Equality Act” and the “Do No Harm Act.”

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If she got her way, “Catholic doctors and hospitals could be forced to perform abortions and sex-reassignment surgeries,” he continues, and she has already declared that she would have taxpayers “fund sex-reassignment surgery for illegal aliens and federal prisoners.”

Yet perhaps Harris’ true motive for skipping the dinner is fear of a one-on-one roasting session with Donald Trump, who will be in his element.

“Let’s face it,” Donohue writes, Kamala “talks like a pre-schooler. Gibberish. Hands waving, she has a hard time stringing two coherent sentences together.”

“This event demands that the participants be quick on their feet, and that is not exactly her strong suit,” which makes the vice-president smart to dodge the affair, Donohue concludes.

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