Christian preacher wins £10,000 pay-out from police over arrest at Speakers' Corner

By Christian Today | Created at 2024-09-23 22:32:02 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:20:33 1 week ago

Hatun Tash being arrested by police in Hyde Park in front of a hostile crowd.

The Metropolitan Police have agreed to pay a Christian preacher £10,000 in damages after she was arrested, strip-searched and detained for 15 hours. 

Hatun Tash was arrested as she was preparing to preach at Speakers' Corner, a spot in London's Hyde Park that has a long tradition of free speech and public debate.

She was wearing a Charlie Hebdo T-shirt at the time and had a prop Quran with holes in it that she intended to use as a visual aid to argue that Islamic theology has holes in it. 

As Miss Tash was setting up on Sunday 26 June 2022, a man grabbed her Quran and ran off with it. When her Christian companions called the police to report the theft, officers asked Miss Tash to leave the area. Disturbing video footage shows her being dragged to a police van in front of a jeering crowd after she refused to leave. 

The Christian Legal Centre (CLC), which supported Miss Tash in her legal action against the police, said that after being put in the police van, her belongings were left unattended at Speakers' Corner where they could have been stolen. 

It says she was told by officers that she was being arrested for 'criminal damage' and for wearing a Charlie Hebdo T-shirt that depicted the Prophet Muhammad.

She was taken to Charing Cross Police Station where she was strip-searched and interrogated at 4am before eventually being released at 9am after 15 hours in custody. She was told that no further action would be taken, but was not given any assistance to retrieve her belongings from Speakers' Corner.

Lawyers argued that the police "did not reasonably believe that [Miss Tash] was involved in the commission of a criminal offence, concerning the first incident it was clear that she had done nothing illegal and concerning the second incident, the officers believed that the easiest solution to the problem was 'get rid of our client'."

Miss Tash has donated the settlement money to an organisation supporting individuals who experience persecution after leaving the Islamic faith.

Commenting on the settlement, she accused the police of "two-tiered policing" and suggested that "Muslim mobs" at Speakers' Corner seemed to be "above the law".

"I have been treated appallingly by the police and have been repeatedly humiliated when I had not done anything wrong," she said. 

Miss Tash is director of the ministry Defend Christ Critique Islam and regularly preaches at Hyde Park. It is the second time the Met has paid her £10,000 after arresting her at the same spot in 2022. In that incident, she was arrested after reporting to officers that she was being harassed and threatened by Islamic demonstrators.

She was stabbed in the same place a year earlier but her attacker has never been caught. In September 2022 she was the target of a foiled murder plot by Muslim convert Edward Little who was sentenced to life in prison last December after pleading guilty.

Miss Tash continued, "More must be done to properly deal with Islamic violence and intimidation at Speakers' Corner. We don't live in Pakistan; we don't live in Saudi Arabia. I am Christian and by default I believe that Muhammad is a false prophet. I should be allowed to say that in the UK without being stabbed or repeatedly arrested.

"I am concerned that power has been handed over to Muslim mobs on Britain's streets, and that there is no coming back from this. The British public urgently need and deserve better policing."

CLC chief executive Andrea Williams said the footage of Miss Tash being marched away from the area represented "another lamentable episode of policing at Speakers' Corner" and a "totalitarian approach to anyone who stands against Islam in London".

"If it is not safe to critique Islamic ideology at Speakers' Corner then nowhere is safe," she said. 

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