Climate Cazr John Kerry: “The 1st Amendment stands as a major roadblock for us right now”

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-29 14:04:55 | Updated at 2024-09-30 05:14:52 15 hours ago

There it is. The final nail in the coffin by the party of treason. Make no mistake, these are the actions of totalitarian destroyers. History is riddled with the human toll of these villains.

John Kerry and other elite democrats hate the Constitution. They see it as a road block to ruling over people. As a matter of fact, that is why it was written.

— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) September 29, 2024

John Kerry calls for a Ministry of Truth:

"The 1st Amendment stands as a major roadblock for us right now"

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 29, 2024

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Political Science major John Kerry, the appointed “SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL ENVOY FOR CLIMATE”, is declaring the first amendment a “roadblock” at the WEF.
Truth is treason in an empire of lies and John Kerry will stop at nothing to dissolve the republic.

— The Redheaded libertarian (@TRHLofficial) September 29, 2024

John Kerry says it's really hard to build consensus today, because people self-select where they get their information from and that's a problem.

As opposed to when people only read what they were fed by a selected few. That was sooo much better.

— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) September 29, 2024

“The principle of free speech is not concerned with the content of a man speech and does not protect only the expression of good ideas, but all ideas. If it were otherwise who would determine which ideas are good and which have been? The government?” Ayn Rand, America’s greatest political philosopher, eloquently explained.

Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents are silenced. Putting up with being offended is essential in a pluralistic society in which people differ on basic truths. If a group will not bear being offended without resorting to violence, that group will rule unopposed while everyone else lives in fear, while other groups curtail their activities to appease the violent group. This results in the violent group being able to tyrannize the others.

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