‘Creepy Joe’ Is At It Again …

By Daily Caller (U.S.) | Created at 2024-09-24 15:55:14 | Updated at 2024-09-30 05:23:40 5 days ago

September 24, 2024 11:09 AM ET

Another day, another story of Joe Biden doing something inexplicably creepy. This one’s a double whammy.

Speaking at an event for women’s soccer, Biden made a strange admission that his staff keeps him on a tight leash.

“I thought when I got to be president, I’d get to do things that I want to do. But my staff tells me what I can’t do,” Biden began.

He sounds like a little boy disillusioned by the realization his Superman costume doesn’t actually give him lazer eyes. Biden’s Benjamin Button-ing in real time. This is weird enough — but wait, there’s more! (RELATED: Biden Does Baby Talk Impersonating A Little Girl, And It Might Be His Creepiest Moment Yet)

Joe Biden admitted that his staff discourages him from calling young girls on stage during events, but remarked, “I’m going to do it anyway.” pic.twitter.com/s5HfDvPdmB

— Dissident Media (@DissidentMedia) September 23, 2024

The real creepiness begins when Biden decides to buck his staff: “but I’m gonna do it anyway,” Biden continues, before calling all the “young women” up to the stage.

“All the young women, young kids out there — that are out there, come on up and do this one. Stand behind me, would you. Just come on.”

In truth, it’s all pretty harmless, but the set up makes it seem way worse than it is. First, implying that his staff plays hardball specifically to prevent him from calling children on stage begs the question: why? Can’t he just do a nice photo-op with wholesome American kids without it being weird? Apparently, his staff thinks he’s too creepy around children for that to be the case.

Second, the Freudian slip on “young women,” before awkwardly realizing how that sounds, and correcting himself with “young kids.” It would have been fine if he left it (It was a girl’s soccer event, after all), but correcting himself just draws attention to how weird even he thinks he’s being.

This is why we have rules, man. Biden should have listened to the staffers. But hey, at least he didn’t sniff anyone.

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