CV NEWS FEED // The Diocese of Denver’s newspaper recently offered five New Year’s resolutions to help Catholic families grow in their faith.
Denver Catholic first suggests a family blessing jar, where each day the family puts a slip of paper recording a blessing from that day. On the next New Year’s Eve, the family can read over these blessings together.
“This resolution is a great way to start a new yearly tradition and is a fun way to reflect on God’s work in your life and focus on the positive during challenging moments,” the article states.
The next recommendation is a monthly “Holy Happy Hour,” an hour of Adoration “followed by an intentional social gathering with friends at a local pub, coffee shop or brewery. This resolution balances prayer, community and celebration, rooted in the joy of Catholic life,” the article explains.
Next, Denver Catholic suggests an “Acts of Kindness Bingo,” where families design a bingo card including corporal or spiritual works of mercy as well as prayer resolutions.
“Once you complete a row (or the whole board), reward yourself with something meaningful (a treat or a day of rest),” the article states. “It’s a fun way to encourage good habits while growing in faith!”
The fourth suggestion is implementing a “Saint of the Month” club, where a family can choose a saint to learn about for each month. The article writes that families can put an image of the saint in their home, as well.
Finally, the article suggests a “Spiritual Bucket List,” listing goals for the year such as trying a new devotion or going on a pilgrimage.