DISGUSTING: Zelensky Attacks Trump and Vance to U.S. Media

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-24 14:13:53 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:20:28 5 days ago


He fears his billion dollar criminal money laundering enterprise will come to a sharp close under a legitimate president.

The Biden-Harris administration on Sunday flew Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to Pennsylvania on a US Air Force plane for a visit to a munitions factory in the state events. The move was widely panned by figures on X, saying that it appeared to be a move by the Harris campaign. Defense Priorities Public Policy Advisor Dan Caldwell noted that Zelensky was flown to the state on a US Air Force C-17, a large military cargo jet (Post Millennial).

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Dan Caldwell: The Biden-Harris admin is using military assets to fly a foreign leader into a battleground state in order to undermine their political opponents (X). Mollie Hemingway: This is an impeachable offense on the part of Biden-Harris. And dangerously reckless move on Zelensky’s part to campaign for Harris in a battleground state on U.S. taxpayer funds (X).

So a foreign leader who has received billions of dollars in funding from American taxpayers, comes to our country and has the nerve to attack the GOP ticket for President? And he does this right after a pro-Ukraine zealot tried to assassinate my father? Disgraceful! https://t.co/WyB73UkFjr

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 23, 2024

“Yay, more dead civilians in an unwinnable war!”

This is psychopathic behavior. https://t.co/gRU3agCahG

— Red Eagle Politics (@RedEaglePatriot) September 23, 2024


— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 24, 2024

Zelensky Attacks Trump and Vance to U.S. Media, Tours Ammo Plant in PA at Taxpayers’ Expense

By Breitbart, Sept 23rd, 2024

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is bashing former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), attacking them in American media outlets and touring an ammunition factory in Pennsylvania Sunday — reportedly arriving there at the taxpayers’ expense on an Air Force jet.

The New Yorker has an exhaustive piece on Zelensky penned by Joshua Yaffa, stating that the Ukrainian leader “speaks with the urgency of a leader who knows that he may be facing his last best chance for substantial foreign assistance” as President Biden’s presidential term is coming to an end. The Q&A in the piece is revealing, as Zelensky openly attacks Trump, asserting that he “doesn’t really know how to stop the war even if he might think he knows how.”

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