Evidence of Prehistoric City found at Richat Structure? You decide. [8:07]

By Free Republic | Created at 2024-09-30 15:41:44 | Updated at 2024-09-30 21:40:03 6 hours ago
0:26·hey everyone so today's a big day I know
0:28·a lot of my viewers have been waiting a
0:30·long time for this video where I finally
0:32·show everything I found at the reot
0:33·structure during my most recent
0:35·Expedition there which includes what I
0:37·believe to be direct evidence of a
0:40·prehistoric City there at least that's
0:43·what it looks like to me I want to know
0:44·your thoughts on it a lot of you are
0:47·probably wondering why it has taken me
0:49·so long to release this video and that's
0:52·because for the last 3 years I've been
0:54·working on a book and I needed to wait
0:56·for the book to be finished and on
0:57·Amazon before releasing any more videos
1:00·not only is traveling around the world
1:02·exploring Humanity's ancient past
1:04·expensive I believe I've stumbled on
1:06·something incredible and I wanted to tie
1:08·up all the loose ends with everything
1:09·before releasing any more content so my
1:13·book is finally finished and it's
1:14·available on Amazon now to purchase if
1:17·you like my work and want to support me
1:19·I'm going to give it a quick plug and
1:21·then we're going to dive into the reshot
1:23·structure for the past three years I've
1:25·been traveling the world visiting
1:27·museums and ancient sites in search of
1:29·statues and figurines with their hands
1:31·around their navl researchers like
1:34·Graham Hancock and Jimmy corsetti have
1:35·remarked on how uraman of gocke has his
1:39·hands in the same position as the moai
1:41·of Easter Island and pindo the
1:43·Entertainer of suoi Indonesia well folks
1:46·you have no idea just how deep this
1:49·Rabbit Hole goes I found them in Turkey
1:52·Kosovo Bulgaria Iraq Iran Israel
1:55·Palestine Sardinia Greece Cyprus
1:57·Portugal Mexico Peru Columbia Easter
2:00·Island French Polynesia India China
2:03·Indonesia England France Micronesia and
2:06·Northern Ireland I've documented all my
2:09·findings in my book The Mystery of the
2:11·naval Idols which you can get now on
2:13·Amazon in many cases the idols emerge in
2:17·the archaeological record at the same
2:19·time people of a local region begin
2:20·working with copper and there is a
2:22·mysterious commonality of V-neck
2:24·garments and pegs noted on many of them
2:28·so if you're interested in learning
2:29·about this symbol that pops up in the
2:31·ancient art the world over head over to
2:33·Amazon and grab a copy of my book and
2:35·help support my work okay now let's get
2:38·to the reot
2:39·structure on my last trip to the reot
2:41·structure I was mostly interested in
2:43·confirming the existence of salt and
2:45·trying to find shells of marine
2:47·organisms I did find Salt in fact
2:50·there's salt everywhere at the reot
2:53·structure I also found shells of marine
2:55·organisms often at the same location as
2:58·the salt deposits but I was not
3:00·expecting to find what I found next
3:03·after befriending a nomad in the desert
3:05·and you do see these desert Nomads
3:07·living out there at the reshot they
3:09·generally are very friendly and will
3:10·pour you tea endlessly so after
3:13·befriending a nomad out there he wanted
3:15·to show me a place he believed the ocean
3:17·used to be he led me over sand dunes and
3:20·down into a valley and yes there was
3:22·salt down there but there was also
3:24·thousands upon thousands of stone tools
3:28·aulian byes to be exact
3:30·if I had to guess I would say there's
3:31·somewhere between 10,000 and 100,000
3:34·hand axes just littered about the ground
3:37·there could have been a million though I
3:38·really just don't know they were
3:40·everywhere I'm telling you it's Eerie
3:42·most of the Rocks larger than a pebble
3:44·in this entire Valley are handaxes and
3:47·sometimes the flakes that had been
3:50·flaked off the hand axes were next to
3:52·the hand
3:54·axe now I don't know what this place is
3:57·or was or why there are so so many hand
4:00·axes down here was it a stone tool
4:04·Factory was it an ancient city what is a
4:08·city how many people were here were they
4:11·living here were they working
4:13·here I just have so many questions and
4:16·this place is so fascinating but you can
4:18·walk for miles in any direction and just
4:21·find hand ax after hand ax after hand ax
4:25·and and what are they all doing on the
4:27·surface of the sand so what do we look
4:29·looking at here I believe these are
4:30·aulian bifaces also known as aulian
4:34·handaxes one of the first standardized
4:36·traditions of tool making according to
4:39·encyclopedia britanica uh often
4:41·associated with Homo erectus but also
4:44·sometimes early Homo sapiens and they
4:46·date from anywhere between 1.7 million
4:49·years ago to 200,000 years ago so it's
4:53·hard to know exactly the dating of these
4:55·particular bies but we're talking about
4:57·very very old
5:00·now I had known that these tools had
5:02·been found here at the reshot structure
5:04·but what I didn't know was that in a
5:07·single Valley you could find thousands
5:10·maybe tens of thousands or hundreds of
5:12·thousands there could be a million of
5:14·these tools down here I really can't say
5:16·just how many there are but you you
5:19·could walk in any direction for an area
5:22·of several square kilm and just find
5:25·them everywhere you look and to me that
5:28·suggests at least on the surface is a
5:30·fairly dense population of homo erectus
5:33·or early Homo Sapien living here in
5:36·other words a prehistoric City more or
5:40·less not a city in the sense of uh you
5:43·know running water or structures or who
5:45·knows what but just in the most basic
5:47·sense of a large population living in
5:50·one place that seems to be maybe what
5:52·this is what we're looking at why else
5:55·would there be so many tools scattered
5:57·about this particular Valley I mean it's
6:00·possible flu event maybe deposited them
6:04·it's possible there was industry at work
6:06·here could there have been a homo
6:08·erectus Stone tool industry I mean the
6:12·aulian tradition is referred to as an
6:14·industry but perhaps they were producing
6:17·them industrially I mean I just have so
6:20·many questions about this site and it's
6:21·so enigmatic just as an interesting side
6:24·note the first cities in human history
6:27·are generally considered to be either
6:30·Jericho or chatel hoyuk in turkey and
6:35·we're talking about somewhere between 78
6:37·9,000 years uh BC but you know people
6:42·don't tend to think of homo erectus as
6:44·ever living in permanent settlements but
6:47·what do you think does this suggest Homo
6:49·erectus or early Homo Sapien from
6:52·200,000 to maybe even a million years
6:55·ago living in something that resembles a
6:58·permanent settlement all we left or
7:00·these tools but it was a war fought here
7:02·what are we looking at what what are
7:03·your thoughts so it's all very
7:06·fascinating thanks for listening to me
7:07·thanks for watching my channel don't
7:09·forget to like And subscribe and do
7:11·check out my book The Link's in the
7:12·description below if you want to support
7:14·my work um this is all I found at the
7:16·reshot structure there's salt there's
7:19·marine organisms maybe y'all can debate
7:21·in the comments what types of marine
7:23·organisms we' found here um what do you
7:27·think tell me what you think the these
7:30·this this Valley is was it a stone tool
7:34·Factory why are the chips to some of
7:35·these tools laying on the ground right
7:38·next to the tool like they made it in
7:40·situ and then laid it down right where
7:42·they made it and then it stayed there
7:44·for half a million years nothing about
7:46·this makes any sense so I'd love to hear
7:49·your thoughts let me know in the
7:51·comments after taking a few photos and
7:53·videos it was time to get gone cuz this
7:55·is a sensitive archaeological site just
7:57·want to make it clear that I did not
7:59·touch any of the artifacts whatsoever
8:02·and yeah that's all I've got for now
8:05·thanks for watching see you in the next
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