‘Father Figure’? Media Glorifies Nasrallah, Ignores Brutal Terror Activities

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-29 20:00:22 | Updated at 2024-09-30 05:30:41 9 hours ago

The sick and anti-Semitic mainstream media glorifies the brutal mass murdering terrorist Hassan Nasrallah with heinous headlines and op-eds. The mainstream media is a vile disgrace.

Pure evil. The media is the enemy of freedom loving people. They are mourning the death of a vicious mass murderer.

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Related: JUBILATION! Huge Celebrations Break Out in SYRIA, IRAN, LEBANON Praising Nasrallah’s Death

Ladies and gentlemen, the mainstream press! pic.twitter.com/JVy4xVqMW5

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) September 28, 2024

JUST IN: Mainstream Media Eulogize Hezbollah Butcher Nasrallah, Who Slaughtered Innocents Across the Globe, as Folksy’ ‘Father Figure’ and Lebanon’s ‘Savior’ — WashPo, NYT, and AP whitewash terror leader’s three decades of destruction https://t.co/yKQS7PtkVw

— Adam Kredo (@Kredo0) September 28, 2024

Nasrallah: "The great, blessed, wide- scale operation on October 7th…"

The NYT: "Nasrallah would have objected to the October 7th attack"

Rewriting the words of a mass murderer to arouse Western sympathy is not a new low by the NYT.

It's something they do every single day. pic.twitter.com/kOWKjS6Tdi

— Yehuda Teitelbaum (@chalavyishmael) September 29, 2024

Yes this is real … #charasmatic 🤯 pic.twitter.com/rMDD1CJ6CW

— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) September 28, 2024

Insane New York Times piece with no byline.

Literally NO MENTION of terrorism and talks him up like a humanitarian. https://t.co/tCLHkzxbXI pic.twitter.com/6aP9ZFyYsg

— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) September 29, 2024

Nasrallah wanted every Jew dead worldwide and is responsible for mass murders on 4 continents over a 40-year reign of terror.

The world is a much better place without him in it.

Truly disgusting stuff from the New York Times. https://t.co/hZWmDyZ42U

— Justin Spiro, LCSW 🇮🇱 (@Jusrangers) September 29, 2024

Yes this is real … #charasmatic 🤯 pic.twitter.com/rMDD1CJ6CW

— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) September 28, 2024

‘Father Figure’? Media Glorifies Nasrallah, Ignores Brutal Terror Activities

By United with Israel, Sept 29th, 2024

Most outlets failed to mention he was a brutal terrorist who killed scores of Americans, Israelis, and innocent civilians across the Middle East.

By Adam Kredo, The Washington Free Beacon

Following Hassan Nasrallah’s death at the hands of an Israeli airstrike, mainstream media outlets portrayed the now-former Hezbollah leader as an erudite “father figure,” a “moral compass,” a “savior,” and a “roly-poly figure” who “empowered” Lebanon’s “downtrodden.”

The vast majority failed to mention that he was a brutal terrorist leader who killed scores of Americans, Israelis, and innocent civilians across the Middle East.

Nasrallah rose to the top of the terror organization in February 1992. A month later, Hezbollah operatives killed 29 people in a suicide bombing attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires. The terror group’s subsequent 1994 attack on the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires killed 85.

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