German Government Hides News of Islamic Attacks

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-30 12:30:19 | Updated at 2024-10-02 00:39:22 1 day ago

All over Europe, government officials and a complicit media have been trying to hide the reality of Muslim violence and crime. In the UK, it took years to finally reveal the full story of the Pakistani grooming gangs, whose existence, and extent, were for years denied by the police, who were afraid of being accused of “racism.” In France, the government does not allow the media to report on the ethnicity and religion of those accused of crimes, lest that disturbing chronicle of Muslim crime generate support for the “far-right” party — the anti-Muslim immigrant party Rassemblement National — led by Marine Le Pen.

Now in Germany, the anti-Muslim immigrant party, Alternative für Deutschland, has been steadily making political gains. It recently came in first in Thuringia, and second in Saxony. Now the party hopes to win big in the upcoming election in the state of Brandenburg. But the politicians of the center-right who currently control the national government, are now trying to keep stories of Muslim crimes from being accurately reported on, lest such stories push even more voters to choose the candidates of the Alternative für Deutschland. More on this latest attempt to keep the extent of Muslim crime from the voters can be found here: “Is the public prosecutor’s office concealing a new Islamist knife attack?,” translated from “Verschweigt Staatsanwaltschaft neue islamistische Messer-Attacke?,” Unser Mitteleuropa, September 11, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Press censorship in Germany seems to be taking on increasingly arbitrary features – the likes of which only occur in totalitarian systems before they collapse.

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Shortly before the election: Islamist attack concealed – truck driver stabbed

Today on Friday evening, a Syrian German / German Syrian (40) armed with a knife stormed a gas station in the north of Berlin on the A 111. He then tried – similar to the Islamist terrorist in Solingen – to bag or injure as many people as possible. A Polish truck driver is in mortal danger.

Precarious as always: The perpetrator is said to already be known to the police for violent crimes – a “German” (40) with a Syrian migration background. He was arrested.

Authorities censor “Allahu Akbar” calls

By chance, however, five members of the “Young Union” Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – including a policeman – were at the scene of the crime at the time of the crime. According to their statements, the knife attacker shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is great”) as he ran across the square.

The public prosecutor’s office quickly censored the police’s press work: the perpetrator was “German” – as was announced as usual. Cynical postscript: nothing more could be said.

According to BILD, this was deliberate censorship:

“There were already references to the ‘Allahu Akbar’ calls in the first internal police report!”

And the young politicians also complained about it on the Internet:

“We regret that the reports did not mention the perpetrator’s connection to Islam (…).”

Five days after the attack, the JU wrote: “We regret that the reports did not mention the perpetrator’s connection to Islam through his chant of the creed ‘Allahu Akbar’.” It continued: “We have had to experience: Islamist acts of violence are real. It can affect us all.” Whether the Union’s young politicians also communicated this great insight to the root of the evil, the CDU party colleague “we can do it” Merkel, remains to be seen.

What does the German government, what do the German media think they are accomplishing, by hiding, or trying to hide, the evidence of Muslim criminality? The Germans know the reality: they hear the stories about Muslim robberies and burglaries, Muslim rapes and murders. Word travels fast and far. They know, too, that some of these stabbings are not for gain, but simply expressions of hatred of the non-Muslims, as seems to have been the case of this Allahu-akbaring Syrian who, out of the blue, stabbed to death a Polish truck driver. And the more the people of Germany sense that they are being lied to about Muslim crimes, the angrier they become. They hold up for ridicule former Chancellor Angela Merkel, who let 1.5 Muslims into Germany in 2015, insisting to the public that “Wir schaffen das!” — “We Can Do This.”

Now many Germans realize that their government has been lying to them, minimizing the Muslim immigrant problem. There is no public discussion of how these obviously economic migrants were admitted on the specious claims of being “asylum seekers.” There is no discussion by officials about the huge sums — now close to 40 billion dollars a year — that are being spent on welfare benefits for Muslim immigrants. No one is talking about instituting a work requirement on those immigrants receiving aid, or placing time limits on how long they can receive such benefits.

Nor are the statistics on crime by Muslims always made public. In the case of this Syrian stabber, he was deliberately misidentified as a “German,” and no mention was made of his shouting “Allahu akbar,” which we only know about because there happened to be five members of the Junge Union nearby when he stabbed his victim.

Meanwhile, the anti-Muslim immigrant party Alternative für Deutschland, quite understandably, goes from one electoral triumph to another, in Thuringia, in Saxony, and likely soon in Brandenburg. “Wir schaffen das!” could be their motto, but not in the way that the hapless Merkel meant.

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