This is the 2028 Democratic presidential candidates in 2028. This is what the Democrats want for this country.
Photo above; Newsom photo op.
Gov. Newsom cut fire budget by $100M months before lethal California fires
California fire prevention took a hit the year before the fires, but the Newsom administration claims it boosted overall funding since assuming office in 2019
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By Alexandra Koch, Fox News, January 11, 2-25;
A review of last year’s California state budget shows California Gov. Gavin Newsom cut funding for wildfire and forest resilience by more than $100 million.
The budget, signed in June and covering the 2024-25 fiscal year, eliminated $101 million from seven “wildfire and forest resilience” programs, according to a report from Newsweek.
The California fires, responsible for destroying more than 10,000 buildings in the Los Angeles area, are still not contained.
Fire crews battle the Kenneth Fire in the West Hills section of Los Angeles Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025. (Ethan Swope/AP)
Cal Fire had a $5 million reduction in spending on fuel reduction teams, including funds used to pay for vegetation management work by the California National Guard, the report noted.
Other changes:
$28 million cut from multiple state conservancies that expand wildfire resilience
$12 million cut from a “home hardening” experiment that would protect homes from wildfires
$8 million cut from monitoring and research spending, mostly dedicated to Cal Fire and state universities
$4 million cut from the forest legacy program, which encourages landowners to manage their properties
$3 million cut from funding for an inter-agency forest data hubGavin Newsom surveying fire damage
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