According to reports, in the gift bags were photos of the hostages during their brutal captivity in Gaza, as well as “completion certificates” with an inscription that included the “release decision” on it. Palestinian society is a sick, barbaric, genocidal, death cult. Shame on the Left for supporting these savages.
Freed Israeli hostages given ‘gift bags’ by Hamas in horrific commemoration of their captivity.
The bags contained “gifts and souvenirs,” which included photos of them in captivity, a commemorative photo of Gaza itself, and some kind of certificate.
*sick bastards*
— Felis Revolt 𓃠 (@FelisRevolt) January 21, 2025
So in the middle of a genocide they had access and time to make gift bags and hostage certificates.
Okay Susan.
— 𝗡𝗶𝗼𝗵 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗴 ♛ ✡︎ (@NiohBerg) January 20, 2025
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What Did Hamas Put in The “Gift” Bag For The Hostages?
— Hananya Naftali (@HananyaNaftali) January 20, 2025
Whoever is watching the scenes in Gaza right now and doesn’t conclude that this society is a sick, violent and misogynist death cult is a true moron.
— פלר חסן נחום Fleur Hassan-Nahoum (@FleurHassanN) January 19, 2025
Hamas forces parting ‘gift bags’ on freed hostages as mementos of hellish captivity
Paper bags with Hamas’s armed wing logo said to contain pictures of the women from their time held in Gaza, official-looking ‘release papers’
By TOI, Jan 20th, 2025
The three Israeli women freed Sunday after 471 days held hostage in Gaza were sent home by Hamas with “gift bags” and “Palestine” lanyards in a choreographed handover seemingly designed by the terror group for propaganda purposes.
Inside the bags given to Emily Damari, 28, Romi Gonen, 24, and Doron Steinbrecher, 31, were pictures of them in captivity and “certificates,” according to reports in Hebrew-language media.
Damari, Gonen and Steinbrecher were reunited with their families on Sunday following a highly fraught release out of Hamas hands in Gaza City, the first among 33 hostages who are meant to be set free in the coming six weeks under a deal that includes a pause in fighting, the release of nearly 2,000 Palestinian prisoners and increased fuel and aid deliveries for Gaza.
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