Hamas Lebanon Chief Eliminated in Israeli Airstrike was an UNRWA Manager

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-30 13:15:23 | Updated at 2024-09-30 15:35:04 2 hours ago

Fateh Sharif was just eliminated by Israel. He was the coordinator of Hamas activities in Lebanon. He was also a decorated @UNRWA

🔴 Fateh Sherif, Head of the Lebanon Branch in the Hamas terrorist organization, was eliminated in a precise IAF strike.

Sherif was responsible for coordinating Hamas' terror activities in Lebanon with Hezbollah operatives, as well as Hamas’ efforts in Lebanon to recruit… pic.twitter.com/nEwIdOnp6o

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) September 30, 2024


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IDF strike kills Hamas Lebanon chief, an UNRWA staffer; 3 PFLP fighters killed in Beirut

y Emanuel Fabian, Joshua Davidovich and Jacob Magid.Times of Israel, September 30, 2024;

Israeli airstrikes in southern Lebanon and central Beirut overnight killed the top Hamas official in Lebanon and senior members of another Palestinian terror group, the organizations said early Monday.

Hamas said its leader in Lebanon, Fateh Sherif Abu el-Amin, was killed, along with his wife, son, and daughter, in a strike that targeted their house in a Palestinian refugee camp in the southern city of Tyre early Monday. A statement from the terror group identified him as a “successful teacher and excellent [school] principal.”

The Israel Defense Forces and Shin Bet security agency in a joint statement confirmed that Sherif, who they described as the “head of the Lebanon branch of the Hamas terror organization,” was killed in the strike.

According to the military, Sherif was responsible for coordinating Hamas’s activity in Lebanon with Hezbollah, as well as Hamas’s “force build-up efforts in Lebanon, in the field of recruiting operatives and procuring weapons.”

He “worked to advance the interests of Hamas in [Lebanon], both politically and militarily,” the statement said.
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Reports in Palestinian media said Sherif was head of the teachers’ union for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, which provides education services to nearly 40,000 students in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.

UNRWA confirmed to The Times of Israel in a statement that Sherif had been employed by the agency, but noted that he had been suspended in March.

Sherif “was an UNRWA employee who was put on administrative leave without pay in March, and was undergoing an investigation following allegations that UNRWA received about his political activities,” UNRWA said.

Israel has long accused the agency of employing members of Hamas and other terror groups, allowing them to steep future generations in virulent anti-Israel ideology. Several donor countries briefly cut aid to the agency after Israel provided evidence that employees took part in Hamas’s October 7 massacre.
Firefighters douse the flames of an apartment building hit by an Israeli airstrike in Beirut’s Kola district, September 30, 2024. (Fadel ITANI / AFP)

Sherif’s suspension in March sparked large demonstrations and strikes by teachers demanding his reinstatement.

The Palestinian Refugees Portal news site reported in early June that Sherif was set to be reinstated, citing a press release from a Damascus-based group representing Palestinian refugees in Syria and Lebanon that said an arrangement had been found to drop the probe and end the teacher strike.

A “commitment” was reached “not to prosecute any employee on the basis of his national affiliation,” according to the press release.

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