Harris-Biden Threatens Israel With Arms Embargo, Harris Tells Pro-Hamas Supporters, “Now Is The Time”

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-10-16 11:36:17 | Updated at 2024-10-16 14:23:07 2 hours ago

The Biden-Harris administration confirmed on Tuesday that it threatened to cut off aid to Israel’s military, including arms shipments, if the Jewish state does not boost the delivery of humanitarian aid into the battle-torn Gaza Strip. The threats came in a Sunday letter that gives Israel one month to do so, meaning any action would not come until after the presidential election. (WFB)

As her campaign is melting down, in a desperate attempt to rally the “Free Palestine” Jihadists, she is putting immense pressure on Israel 🇮🇱 to stand down against Iran, Hezbollah, and H×mas, even threatening a full arms embargo.
_ pic.twitter.com/jZ6efNAv8C

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) October 15, 2024

Caroline Glick writes, “The Biden administration is forcing Israel to sustain Hamas and its regime by making arms shipments contingent on constant resupply of Hamas forces.”

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So here is the administration's formal threat of an arms embargo against Israel.
Notice, they allude to National Security Memo 20. As @Tamir114 reported on Channel 14 yesterday, under international law, belligerents are permitted to lay siege on their enemy – particularly… pic.twitter.com/HY1AjmIjlP

— Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) October 15, 2024

Hillel Fuld writes:

The Biden admin has sent Israel a document that is harsher than anything the U.S. has sent Israel in decades.

The demands are nothing short of insane and if Israel doesn’t comply, our “Friends” in the White House are threatening an arms embargo.

That’s right, Biden/Harris are worried about Israel sending more humanitarian aid into Gaza knowing full well who steals that aid, and not a word about the hostages or Hamas.

The irony of any American Jew voting for these Israel haters is that there is no denying that antisemitism is going through the roof, but those same Jews who know that if things get really bad, Israel will have their back, are now abandoning Israel and voting for Harris because she’s not Trump.

So they expect us to have their backs but they won’t have ours.

I don’t care what you think of Trump and his personality. It’s irrelevant. Voting for Harris today, after everything this admin has done to hurt Israel, is abandoning Israel.

It’s fine if you want to vote based on abortion, immigration, or anything else. But say it as it is. Israel is less important to you. Own it.

However you want to look at it, whether you care about promises or about policy, Trump has proven time and time again that he’s a friend of Israel’s.

“Oh, but I don’t believe Trump! He won’t stick to his word!”

Need I remind you that he was in the White House for four years? His policy speaks for itself. He’s a friend of Israel’s. Harris is not. Period.

Not much else there is to say.

If you’re Jewish and are voting for Harris, your top priority is not Israel.

If that offends you, sorry, not sorry.

And yes, I am well aware that I’m going to get hundreds of disgusting messages from Jews who are reading these words and voting for Harris.

Voting for her is voting against Israel.

Voting for her is voting for a two state solution with the people who carried out October 7th.

Voting for her is voting for a potential arms embargo on Israel right in the middle of an existential war.

Voting for her is voting for a ceasefire with Hamas and Hezbollah and another 10/7 in a few years from now.

Voting for her is voting for more dead Jews.

Harsh? Sometimes the truth is harsh but it still needs to be said.

If you’re Jewish and voting for Harris, please ask yourself if Israel and its safety is a priority for you, because if it is, you’re voting for the wrong person.

US gives Israel 30-day ultimatum to increase aid to Gaza – or face arms embargo

Senior officials tell Israel’s defence minister in letter that steps must be taken to ease growing humanitarian crisi

15 October 2024 6:08pm BST

The United States has threatened to suspend arms deliveries to Israel if it does not drastically increase the amount of aid entering Gaza in the next 30 days.

Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, and Lloyd Austin, the defence secretary, sent a letter to Israeli ministers this weekend expressing Washington’s “deep concern” with the “deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza” and demanding a swift reverse.

The letter states that 1.7 million people have been forced into a narrow coastal area and “extreme overcrowding” has put them at risk of deadly disease.

It adds that trucks carrying US-funded food and medicine supplies have been obstructed as they try to enter Gaza.

New vetting procedures and “onerous liability and customs requirements” are contributing to a growing humanitarian crisis, the letter says, with the situation exacerbated by lawlessness and looting.

Since Israel assured the US that it would increase aid to Gaza in March this year, the letter continues, the amount delivered has in fact fallen by 50 per cent. The amount entering in September is the “lowest of any month in the past year”.

Failure to step up aid supplies “may have implications for US policy under NSM-20”, the letter reads, referring to the regulations governing weapons supplies to US allies.

The letter lists “concrete measures” that Israel must take in the next 30 days, such as enabling at least 350 trucks of aid into Gaza every day, as well as opening a fifth border crossing.

The US election, however, falls on Nov 5 – in just 21 days – and the threat to arms supplies will probably be moot if Donald Trump wins.

According to the letter, Israel must “institute adequate humanitarian pauses” to allow for “humanitarian activities”, including vaccinations, deliveries and distribution for at least the next four months.

People in the humanitarian zone of Mawasi in southern Gaza must be allowed to move inland before winter while security for fixed humanitarian sites and people’s movements must be enhanced.

Evacuation orders must be rescinded in the areas where there is no military activity, and Israel must facilitate “rapid implementation of the World Food Programme’s winter and logistics plans to repair roads and install warehouses”.

The number of “vetted drivers” must be increased to 400, essential items from the dual-use restricted list must be removed, and the Jordanian armed forces need to be allowed to enter northern Gaza for aid deliveries.

Forced evacuations from northern to southern Gaza have to stop, the letter states, and humanitarian organisations must have full access to northern Gaza.

Israel has yet to comment on the letter, which was sent to Yoav Gallant, its defence minister.
Netanyahu attack pledge to Biden

It came amid reports that Benjamin Netanyahu has told Joe Biden that Israel will not attack Iran’s oil or nuclear facilities before the US election.

The price of oil fell after The Washington Post reported that Israel’s response would be relatively restrained and focus on Iran’s military bases.


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