Harris Heckled at Black Church in Philly, Says She has G-d’s Endorsement

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-10-28 15:36:30 | Updated at 2024-10-28 17:27:38 1 hour ago

Going down in flames, she is.

Just last week, “You Are At The Wrong Rally!” Kamala Mocks, Belittles Christian Students Who Said “Jesus is Lord,” Harris has them Physically Removed

Related: Kamala Booed and Heckled at Multiple Rallies in Texas, Michigan, Called “Piece of Sh*t”

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BREAKING: Kamala Harris is attempting to deceive another church and she’s getting rejected by the congregation attendees


— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) October 27, 2024

Kamala Harris gets heckled by the congregation at a Black church in Philadelphia as she breaks out her brand new Black Pastor accent 😂🤣

Kamala Harris is a fake, a fraud, a grifter and a pathological liar! https://t.co/cOekccRsdl

— Sling Blade Karl🇺🇸 (@SlingbladeKarl) October 27, 2024

TONE DEAF: Several members of the black megachurch where Kamala Harris spoke were escorted out by police after questioning her stance on Christianity. In the black church tradition, vocal engagement from the congregation is a common and cherished practice, deeply rooted in… pic.twitter.com/cj7huxreB6

— @amuse (@amuse) October 22, 2024

Harris heckled at black church in Philly, suggests that she has G-d’s endorsement

By: Chris Donaldson, BizPac Review, October 26, 2024;

Kamala Harris was heckled at a black church in Philadelphia where she invoked God to convince the vital demographic to turn out in big numbers before next week’s pivotal election.

The Democrat nominee took to the pulpit at the Church of Christian Compassion in the City of Brotherly Love on Sunday morning where she debuted yet another new accent and appealed to the congregation, coming very close to suggesting that God himself has endorsed her in a late appeal to believers despite her record of contempt for Christians.

At one point during Harris’ campaign speech, she was interrupted by someone in the audience who shouted at her, the church’s band then turned up the music to drown out the protest which caused a brief interruption of her cynical spiel.

That’s why we fight for democracy,” Harris said, clapping as the heckler was escorted from the building.

“Every voice is important,” the veep said as she clapped her hands. “Every voice is important.”

“In just nine days, we have the power to decide the fate of our nation for generations to come. And on this day, then on this beautiful Sunday morning, I am reminded God expects us to help Him,” Harris told the congregation to applause, hinting that the Almighty wants her to win the election. “We got work to do.”

“Like Paul, we must remember that divine power works through our actions, and we have the power to move past division, fear, and chaos,” she later told the congregation, according to Fox News. “It is in and within our power to fulfill the promise of America and the promise to create opportunity for every child and to protect our basic freedoms, the power to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God power the black Church understood and has used for generations.”

The undisputed queen of cringe also debuted another one of the phony accents that she uses for effect with different audiences.

Harris recently drew criticism for mocking Christian college students who shouted Jesus is Lord” during an event in LaCrosse, WI, telling them they were at the wrong rally before they were booted out by security.

“Here in Pennsylvania right now, each of us has an opportunity to make a difference, because in this moment, we do face a real question: what kind of country do we want to live in? What kind of country do we want for our children and our grandchildren?” Harris said.

“A country of chaos… fear and hate, or a country of freedom, justice and compassion. And the great thing about living in a democracy is We the People have the choice to answer that question,” she added, spouting pure projection from the figurehead of the party of chaos, fear, and hate.


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