Hezb’Allah Confirms Nasrallah is Dead

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-28 14:01:09 | Updated at 2024-09-30 05:18:19 1 day ago

Not just Israelis, but Iranian, Syrian, Lebanese people are celebrating across the Middle East. Only the Left-wing in America and Europe mourn the death of the jihad mass murderer.

The elft wing media are not reporting these celebrations. Oh no, if it’s not a protest against the Jews, it won’t run.

Syrians are handing out sweets and celebrating the elimination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah (his death is not officially confirmed) pic.twitter.com/57RGDoBYWr

— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) September 27, 2024

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Iranians celebrating Nasrallah's elimination 👇

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) September 28, 2024

Lebanese citizens are also celebrating the kotletification of the tyrant Nasrallah.

Well deserved! Party all night 🎉pic.twitter.com/jmyNAnyLWP

— 𝗡𝗶𝗼𝗵 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗴 ♛ ✡︎ (@NiohBerg) September 27, 2024

Syria is still celebrating Nasrallah's elimination after over a decade of suffering Hezbollah atrocities and mass murder.

The region is healing.


— 𝗡𝗶𝗼𝗵 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗴 ♛ ✡︎ (@NiohBerg) September 28, 2024

This is how happy Syrians are after reports that Nasrallah is presumably killed. They call him “Hassan Zummeyrah”, Arabic for “Hassan the Trumpet” poking fun at his long speeches. pic.twitter.com/TsqvePsCo4

— Hussain Abdul-Hussain (@hahussain) September 27, 2024

Women in Iran celebrate the Elimination of Nasrallah pic.twitter.com/1zwAZAxlwH

— Mossad Commentary (@MOSSADil) September 27, 2024

Hassan Nasrallah will no longer be able to terrorize the world. pic.twitter.com/gBWxK9FW2F

— Israeli Air Force (@IAFsite) September 28, 2024

This is just a small portion of what the AP left out of their article on Nasrallah… https://t.co/P5OY1fwOWU pic.twitter.com/uqExdxU95l

— AG (@AGHamilton29) September 28, 2024

Hezbollah Confirms Leader Nasrallah Killed in Israeli Airstrike

Hassan Nasrallah led the Iran-backed terrorist group for over three decades.

Hezbollah Confirms Leader Nasrallah Killed in Israeli Airstrike

By Katabella Roberts and Simon Veazey, The Epcoh Times, September 29, 2024;

Hezbollah confirmed on Saturday that Hassan Nasrallah—who has led the Iran-backed terrorist group for over three decades—was killed in an airstrike carried out by Israel.

The Israeli military had said Nasrallah was killed on Friday in what they describe as targeted airstrikes on Hezbollah’s headquarters, which were embedded under residential buildings in a suburb of Beirut.

“Yesterday (Friday), September 27th, 2024, Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Hezbollah terrorist organization and one of its founders, was eliminated by the IDF, together with Ali Karki, the Commander of Hezbollah’s Southern Front, and additional Hezbollah commanders, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement on Saturday.

At the age of 32, Hezbollah unanimously elected Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah as secretary-general in 1992 to succeed Sayyed Abbas al-Musawi who was killed in a rocket attack by Israeli helicopter gunships in southern Lebanon.

In their statement, IDF said that during his reign, “he was responsible for the murder of many Israeli civilians and soldiers, and the planning and execution of thousands of terrorist activities.”

“He was responsible for directing and executing terrorist attacks around the world in which civilians of various nationalities were murdered,” the statement added.

“Ali Ismail was responsible for directing numerous terrorist attacks against the State of Israel, including the firing of rockets toward Israeli territory and the launch of a surface-to-surface missile toward central Israel on Wednesday,” the IDF said.


Lebanon’s Health Ministry says six people were killed and 91 wounded in several various Israeli strikes on Friday. The Epoch Times could not independently verify those figures.
On Monday, Lebanese authorities said Israeli strikes killed more than 490 people, including at least 90 women and children, and injured 1,600 more.

In a recorded message, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Lebanese civilians to heed Israeli calls to evacuate, saying “take this warning seriously.”

“Please get out of harm’s way now,” Netanyahu said. “Once our operation is finished, you can come back safely to your homes.”

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