Hezb’Allah Fires Rockets On Tel Aviv for the First Times

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-25 16:22:06 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:33:13 4 days ago

Firing on Israeli’s Tel Aviv is second-most-populous city. Israel cnnot crush Hezb’Allah soon enough.

Hezbollah launched a massive Fateh-110 ballistic missile at Tel Aviv this morning.

The 9 meter long rocket carries a warhead with up to 500 kg of high explosives.

Fortunately, Israel’s David’s Sling air defense system shot it down. It could have caused mass casualties. pic.twitter.com/XBGpr2eT9h

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) September 25, 2024

Hello. How was your morning?

Here in Tel Aviv, it’s 06.30am and we had to rush our babies to bomb shelter, after the Hezbollah terrorist cowards fired a missile at half a million people.

This is a war crime. This is evil. It must be condemned! pic.twitter.com/wryXtmDReA

— Arsen Ostrovsky 🎗️ (@Ostrov_A) September 25, 2024

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The Biden-Harris administration has been a disaster for peace in the Middle East. This is Tel Aviv today. pic.twitter.com/TZYry6cSSb

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 25, 2024

Waking up here in New York to check my notifications from Israel – more informative than the media unfortunately.
Not pictured: family WhatsApp chat asking if everyone’s ok after rockets launches to Tel Aviv. pic.twitter.com/7WC3saezWR

— Yael Bar tur 🎗️ (@yaelbt) September 25, 2024

This is the location of the Hezbollah launcher used to fire on the Tel Aviv area this morning (September 25). The launcher is located in the village of Nafakhiyeh, east of Tyre, in a civilian building. This is another example of Hezbollah's use of human shields. The launcher was… pic.twitter.com/et1eK2aW7V

— Israel-Alma (@Israel_Alma_org) September 25, 2024

Hezbollah announced a missile strike on the Mossad command post near Tel Aviv in Israel, claiming it as retaliation for the explosions of pagers in Lebanon and the assassinations of top commanders in the group.

It is noted that for the first time since the beginning of the… pic.twitter.com/QrRWDSJRk5

— 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐝 𝐙 (@SMO_VZ) September 25, 2024

This is the location of the Hezbollah launcher used to fire on the Tel Aviv area this morning (September 25). The launcher is located in the village of Nafakhiyeh, east of Tyre, in a civilian building. This is another example of Hezbollah’s use of human shields. The launcher was destroyed by the IDF in a targeted attack.

IDF prepares for op. in Lebanon, Rockets fired at Tel Aviv for first time

By: Jerusalem Post, September 25, 2025;

The IDF on Wednesday announced that it had bombed Hezbollah’s intelligence headquarters network in 60 different spots.

Following a situation assessment, the IDF announced on Wednesday that it is remobilizing two reserve brigades for operations in the North.

The IDF said that recruiting additional reserve brigades would allow the fight against Hezbollah to continue.

The IDF also said that the operations would create conditions for the safe return of the north’s residents to their homes in accordance with the newly adopted war goal.

Shortly following the announcement, the IDF struck over 60 targets belonging to Hezbollah’s intelligence directorate, which it says were used to gather intelligence on Israeli maneuvers in the North.

Smoke billows over southern Lebanon following Israeli strikes, amid ongoing cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, as pictured from Marjayoun, near the border with Israel, September 23, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/KARAMALLAH DAHER)Enlrage image Smoke billows over southern Lebanon following Israeli strikes, amid ongoing cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, as pictured from Marjayoun, near the border with Israel, September 23, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/KARAMALLAH DAHER)

In addition to the 60 intelligence targets, 280 launch sites and weapons depots were hit by airstrikes throughout the day after the targeting of towns across the Galilee.

This attack comes after several days of persistent Israeli strikes against Hezbollah targets across the south of the country and Beirut, including the huge communications devices explosion last week.

Strikes also hit areas of eastern Lebanon, in the Bekaa Valley, targeting weapons storage facilities.
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In response, Hezbollah has attacked Israeli towns and villages in areas that they have not regularly been targeted during the war, including Nazareth.

On Wednesday morning, Hezbollah launched a ballistic missile at Tel Aviv at 6:30 a.m., followed by another attack on Zicron Yaakov later in the day.

Hezbollah is expanding the “equation” of its attacks from its usual targets on Israel’s border to include central Israel and areas further from the border, The Jerusalem Post’s Yonah Jeremy Bob reported on Wednesday.
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