Hezb’Allah Launches Missile Barrage Into Israel, Democrats Weep For Iran’s Terror Group

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-23 12:15:56 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:31:38 6 days ago

And the world says nothing. The left rubs it’s cloven hooves in glee. So don’t expect israel to give a fi*ck when the global press and international community weeps for dead terrorists.

Disgusting: Former CIA Director Leon Panetta says that Israel's pager operation against Hezbollah is "a form of terrorism" pic.twitter.com/BeD4Cppgf4

— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) September 23, 2024

Israel has a right to defend itself against Hezbollah, which has been firing more than 8,000 rockets against Israel since October 7th.

The selective outrage is itself an outrage. pic.twitter.com/QM1uPFkIYb

— Rep. Ritchie Torres (@RepRitchie) September 22, 2024

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Associated Press: The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah announced that it fired a barrage of missiles at a military base deep inside Israel early Sunday following an Israeli airstrike more than a day earlier that killed at least 37 people, including one of the militant group’s senior leaders as well as women and children. It was not immediately clear if any of the rockets had hit their target. Israel’s emergency medical services reported that a man was lightly wounded by shrapnel from a missile that was intercepted in a village in the lower Galilee (Associated Press).

Hezbollah throws hundreds of UNGUIDED missiles over the Israeli territories,aimed to kill thousands of civilians – they did kill a dozen of Israeli druze children whilst playing football.
No world’s condemnation. 🤔

Israel targeted JUST the terrorists wearing Hezbollah pagers -… pic.twitter.com/V9YElBgmR3

— miha schwartzenberg (@mihaschw) September 23, 2024

Analyst Douglas Macgregor: Lebanon hit with massive bomb, one of the largest Israel has ever sent. Shockwave felt many miles away (X).

🚨MUST WATCH: The IDF Spokesperson just revealed evidence from a few weeks ago of an attempt by Hezbollah to launch an advanced Russian cruise missile, which contained hundreds of kilograms of explosives.

"The terrorists created a special opening in the house, through which they… pic.twitter.com/f0Ls27j45b

— Raylan Givens (@JewishWarrior13) September 23, 2024

Townhall: The IDF released a statement vowing to continue to attack Hezbollah until the terrorist group is dismantled (Townhall).

🔴VIDEO: Newborn babies transferred to an underground hospital in Haifa to protect them from Hezbollah attacks.

While terrorist organizations like Hezbollah build underground bunkers beneath hospitals, schools, and buildings to protect terrorists and their weapons, we build… pic.twitter.com/rriW34FY6B

— Israel ישראל (@Israel) September 22, 2024

IDF reveals how Hezbollah stores missiles within civilian buildings in villages. Those building are currently being attacked and destroyed.

Entire villages will be destroyed and people will become homeless, due to Hezbollah's disregard for their lives.

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) September 23, 2024

It is 9:49 am and this morning alone, the IDF has struck over 150 Hezbollah targets with tens of fighter jets and all of the might of the Israeli Air Force.

Hezbollah is finding out the hard way and the IDF hasn’t even used a small fraction of its full strength. pic.twitter.com/zs0fyCV5xv

— Hillel Fuld (@HilzFuld) September 23, 2024

Avi Mayer: IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi confirms that the senior Hezbollah commanders killed in Friday’s airstrike in Beirut were planning a massive infiltration of Israel that would have included conquering the Galilee, murdering civilians, and taking hostages (X).

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