Hezb’Allah Top Dog Nasrallah Killed In His Bunker in IDF Airstrike

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-27 17:48:54 | Updated at 2024-09-30 05:20:29 2 days ago

The IDF bombed his bunker while Netayhau spoke at the UN. Poetic justice. Still awaiting for confirmation of this mass murderer’s death.

Not just countless Jews, Hezbollah has the blood of hundrreds of Americans on their hands.

BREAKING :Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed in airstrike against Beirut by Israeli Airforce. pic.twitter.com/L8NRVpbIRm

— Baba Banaras™ (@RealBababanaras) September 27, 2024

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BREAKING – reports coming in this strike on a Hezbollah stronghold in Beirut has resulted in the assassination of leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Reminder to all – Hezbollah has the blood of HUNDREDS of U.S. service members on their hands, along with Israelis. pic.twitter.com/XISoE9I8nr

— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) September 27, 2024

This was Hassan Nasrallah's bunker, from which he ordered attacks on Israel. This is what remains of it, and what remains of him 👇 pic.twitter.com/uoN720ybm3

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) September 27, 2024

This was Hassan Nasrallah's bunker, from which he ordered attacks on Israel. This is what remains of it, and what remains of him 👇 pic.twitter.com/uoN720ybm3

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) September 27, 2024

Fox News has learned the target of the strike on Beirut was Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

— Trey Yingst (@TreyYingst) September 27, 2024

This is how Israel ended Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Israel remains the FAFO world champions. pic.twitter.com/O4nUR3SI9I

— Carmine Sabia (@CarmineSabia) September 27, 2024

While it has not been confirmed, you are possibly looking at what was left of Nasrallah.

The 72 virgin goats have been waiting for a while. I hope their dream finally came true. pic.twitter.com/BHp3206Mmu

— Olia (@OliaOnX) September 27, 2024


Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah potentially killed in massive Israeli airstrikes against Beirut.

Israel says it has has executed “decapitation strikes” against Hezbollahs top leadership and that Hassan Nasrallah was the main target pic.twitter.com/xXiGH8bPhL

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) September 27, 2024

Pray it’s true.

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