Hong Kong grant for hiring native English teachers to be based on median salaries

By South China Morning Post | Created at 2025-03-21 00:41:38 | Updated at 2025-03-28 12:31:50 1 week ago

A new grant for Hong Kong public schools hiring native English-speaking teachers (NETs) will be based on the profession’s current median salaries rather than years of experience, giving principals greater flexibility in recruitment, the Post has learned.

Funding under the new option will be given as a lump sum and allow principals to hire more than one such teacher per school. The current scheme only allows them one such teacher, with the person being paid based on their years of experience.

The new scheme would also make it easier to exit non-performers, principals told the Post.

School principals who attended a recent briefing by the Education Bureau said the proposal, which offers an alternative to the existing mechanism based on teachers’ years of experience, was expected to be implemented soon.

The Legislative Council has also scheduled a panel meeting on March 31 to discuss changes to the existing NET scheme.

Launched in the 1998-99 academic year for secondary schools and in 2002-03 for primary institutions, the current policy allocates one NET to each publicly funded institution.

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