Hong Kong’s Paul Chan pushes for global tech start-up summit to be hosted in city

By South China Morning Post | Created at 2024-09-23 09:47:56 | Updated at 2024-09-30 09:30:33 6 days ago

Hong Kong’s finance chief has made a push to lure a Spanish-based global start-up summit to the city on the first leg of his European tour, with an expert saying the event would help the government’s efforts to create an international technology hub.

Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po led a group of Hong Kong tech start-ups to meet with the organisers of the South Summit, a Spain-based event focused on bringing together global technology entrepreneurs and investors, while in Madrid on Sunday.

The minister is visiting Spain and will head to the United Kingdom later this week as part of efforts to bolster ties with the city’s trading partners in Europe.

Chan said to Spain Startup president Maria Benjumea that Hong Kong would welcome the opportunity to host the event, noting it would attract start-ups and investors from mainland China, especially those from the Greater Bay Area, and the rest of Asia.

“Spain Startup has indicated that it is actively considering organising an Asian version of the South Summit,” the Financial Secretary’s Office wrote in a press statement published on Monday morning, Hong Kong time.

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