HUGE Violent Antisemitic Protests in NYC as Netanyahu Arrives for UN Address

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-27 13:05:40 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:24:40 2 days ago

Vile Jew-hatred on the streets of New York City from terror supporters ahead of Israeli PM Netanyahu’s UN speech. Expect these protests to get very ugly when PM Netanyahu addresses the UN on today.

The rise of Islamo-Nazism in America.

NYC: Police push back Pro-Palestine protesters after building is tagged near Netanyahu hotel in NYC. Multiple arrests.

Video by @peterhvideo @FreedomNTV [email protected] to license

— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) September 27, 2024

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Pro-Palestine protesters are still outside Columbia University chanting, lighting flares, & showing solidarity w/the Gaza Solidarity Encampment. NYPD Deputy Chief Maximo Tolentino & the Strategic Response Group (SRG) are there too. Here’s images sent to me by a comrade named DJK:

— Ash J (@AshAgony) April 18, 2024

Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered in New York City’s Bryant Park and marched towards the United Nations headquarters as world leaders arrived for the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly.
Chanting anti-Netanyahu and anti-Biden slogans, the demonstrators called…

— Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) September 26, 2024

Right now outside the New York Public Library

— Anna Betts (@annabettss) September 26, 2024

‘Stop killing children’: protests as Netanyahu arrives for UN address

By The Guardian, Sept 26th, 2024

As the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, arrived in New York on Thursday ahead of his address to the United Nations general assembly, scheduled for Friday morning, protesters opposed to the war in Gaza gathered near UN headquarters.

One group of people who waved Israeli flags and campaign banners described themselves as an informal coalition of Jewish and Israeli-led organizations taking an anti-occupation and anti-war stance in relation to the Palestinian territories. They assembled close to the UN building in Manhattan to protest against Netanyahu’s arrival after he flew in from Israel overnight.

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