If Adams Resigns, This Woke Hater Takes Over

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-26 16:51:53 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:31:50 3 days ago

Look who becomes Mayor if the Democrat party of corruption force Adams out. Gonna blow up New York. Absolute disaster.

Jumaane Williams is a loud communist who was arrested and convicted for blocking an ambulance during a protest.

HELLO NYC! MEET YOUR NEXT MAYOR! If Eric Adams wete to leave office under any terms, he would be succeeded by the city’s public advocate, Jumaane Williams, and a special election would be held to elect a new mayor. pic.twitter.com/fup1X4xnFu

— NYScanner (@nyscanner) September 26, 2024

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"This city needs to accept discomfort"

This is who becomes mayor of NYC if Eric Adams resigns. "Stay Woke" pin. pic.twitter.com/e3vQwrdKpv

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 26, 2024

“Eric Adams can’t resign or be fired because Jumaane Williams, the socialist public advocate would become mayor & that would be the end of New York City.”

@CurtisSliwa pic.twitter.com/inAfgDLUnH

— TalkRadio 77 WABC (@77WABCradio) September 26, 2024

I’m not a big @ericadamsfornyc fan but Jumaane Williams would be an absolute disaster. He’s a full on Communist. https://t.co/qd3tEzt3KP

— Louis Buchalter (@lepke2112) September 26, 2024

Who is NYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, next mayor if Eric Adams steps down?

By David Propper, NY Post, Sep. 26, 2024:

The next acting mayor of New York City — if federally indicted Eric Adams were to step down — would be Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, a lefty Democrat who is often critical of cops and once ran a failed campaign for governor.

Williams, a self-described activist-politician who began his tenure as public advocate in 2019, has held elected office since 2010 when he first served on the City Council.

The 48-year-old Brooklynite, who lives on an Army base, has pushed for numerous liberal causes during his nearly 15-year career in public service.
New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams debates in the race for governor at the studios of WNBC4-TV June 16, 2022 in New York City 3
The 48-year-old Brooklynite, who lives on an Army base, has pushed for numerous liberal causes during his nearly 15-year career in public service. Getty Images

Most recently, he backed a City Council bill that requires police officers to fill out detailed forms for encounters as mundane as helping a tourist with directions or asking witnesses questions while helping a sick train passenger.

During the tense 2020 Black Lives Matter protests in the city, Williams stoked anti-cop sentiment and even accused then-Mayor Bill de Blasio of using his biracial family as a shield.

He also pushed to end solitary confinement in city prisons over the objections of correctional officers who work in the facilities.

Williams was caught in controversy when it was revealed in 2021 that he lives on a US military base that has 24-hour security — even as he pushed for slashing the NYPD’s budget.

He also was under fire last year because he allowed his staff to work from home after COVID lockdown regulations were lifted.

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