Iraq: Photography Award 2024

By International Committee of the Red Cross | Created at 2024-09-28 22:47:39 | Updated at 2024-09-30 05:17:11 1 day ago

International Committee of the Red Cross & Iraqi Red Crescent Society

Welcome to our annual photography competition. The ICRC-IRCS Photography Award is an annual photography competition launched in 2021 to encourage Iraqi photographers to highlight humanitarian issues affecting the local community. This year, we invite you to explore the theme of "Water".


Water, in all its forms, is a powerful force of nature that sustains life, shapes landscapes, and evokes emotions. Most of the Earth is covered in water, it constitutes a major part of the human body, and it is linked to the rise of the earliest civilizations.

The beauty of water can be embodied in the serenity of lakes at dawn, the might of the crashing ocean waves, the tenderness of dew drops on leaves, or the spectrum of hues following the rain. A precious gift of nature – we have sometimes appreciated it as a valuable resource and sometimes taken it for granted.

We encourage you to explore this essence of life and unleash your creativity. Share with us your unique vision of the beauty, strength, importance, and tranquility of water.

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