Israel and the Occupied Territories: Key Facts and Figures (7 October 2023 – 25 September 2024)

By International Committee of the Red Cross | Created at 2024-10-18 21:47:03 | Updated at 2024-10-19 00:49:24 3 hours ago

One year since the devastating events on 07 October 2023, renewed hostilities between Israel and Hamas and other armed groups in Gaza persist. The violence – unprecedented in scale and nature – continues to exact an immense human toll across Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. 

Building on its strong mandate and longstanding presence, and drawing on its built-in emergency capacity, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) swiftly adjusted and scaled up its response to address new needs in Israel and Gaza. It also increased its response in the West Bank to address the humanitarian consequences of a sharp rise in violence, which is further exacerbating people’s ability to cope with the impact of longstanding occupation policies and practices. 

The ICRC works in close coordination with its partners in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in particular, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) and Magen David Adom (MDA) and continues to work closely with local service providers, communities, and other partners on the ground.

Below is a summary of the ICRC’s response so far, including programs addressing ongoing and emerging needs throughout Israel and the occupied territories:

Dialogue on respect for International Humanitarian Law and protection of civilians

  • Engaged the parties to the armed conflict to remind them of their obligations under International Humanitarian Law (IHL), and in particular the rules governing the conduct of hostilities, the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure, the prohibition of hostage-taking, the protection of the medical mission, the civilian population’s access to essential services, the treatment and family rights of persons arrested and detained, and the dignified management of the dead.
  • Monitored respect for IHL throughout Israel and the occupied territories, raising concerns with the parties to the conflict and providing concrete recommendations to prevent IHL violations and minimize human suffering, as part of the ICRC’s continuous bilateral and confidential dialogue. 
  • Made daily real-time interventions aimed at ensuring better protection of civilians and the medical mission.
  • Fostered increased understanding and support for IHL and for principled humanitarian action with national and international stakeholders and actors of influence.
  • Monitored the reference to and interpretations of IHL in international and national judicial proceedings.

Working to bring families together

  • Facilitated the release, transfer and return of 109 hostages from Gaza to their families. 
  • Facilitated the release, transfer and return of 154 Palestinian detainees from Israeli places of detention to their families.
  • Received 9,565 requests from family members seeking to clarify the fate and whereabouts of their loved ones through existing channels and additional emergency hotlines in Arabic, Hebrew, and English. So far, 2,812 cases have been closed as family contact has been re-established.
  • Engaged with the families of 86 persons taken hostage in Gaza to collect relevant information and to foster understanding of the nature and modalities of the work of the ICRC. 
  • Engaged with the families of 9,444 Palestinians reported missing in Gaza to collect relevant information to help us clarify the fate and whereabouts of their loved ones. 

Ensuring dignified treatment of human remains

  • Distributed over 46,000 forensic items to facilitate dignified management, identification and eventual return of human remains to their families. 1,200 items, including face masks, face shields and personal effects collection bags, were distributed in Israel. Over 45,000 items, including face masks, boots, aprons, body tags and body bags were distributed to first responders in Gaza, such as PRCS, Civil Defence, Qiratan charitable organization and Ministry of Health and their Forensics Department. The ICRC also provided sanitizing material for health and safety, as well as documentation material for dignified management of the dead.
  • Provided technical support to Israel’s National Center of Forensic Medicine, including recommendations on forensic anthropology laboratory structuring to improve identification capacity in complex cases. The ICRC also continued to work with the IDF Mortuary Affairs DNA laboratory to strengthen their capacity for the management of complex cases of the missing and deceased in armed conflict, including expert exchange with the ICRC Genetics Center in Tbilisi, Georgia. 
  • Assessed local capacity in Israel and Gaza to enable the identification, recovery and return of human remains to their families. 
  • Engaged with the PRCS, Civil Defence, Emergency Medical Services, health authorities and other actors in Gaza to better understand needs and gaps in the management of the dead, working towards better response and practices and preventing further cases of people going missing. Organised a multistakeholder meeting to promote better alignment and coordination, as well as improved understanding of each stakeholder’s roles and responsibilities. 
  • Provided two information sessions on the basic frameworks around dignified management of the dead for the Civil Defence and Ministry of Health’s Emergency Management Services in Gaza. 
  • Supported forensic experts at Gaza’s Ministry of Health in the development of trainings and the documentation of unidentified deceased individuals at hospital level to improve future identification probability.
  • Developed tools and workflows to collect and preserve data related to the management of the dead, to ensure future access, increase identification probabilities, and support possible future forensic recovery efforts. 

Monitoring treatment and conditions of detention

  • Continued to call on relevant Israeli authorities to resume informing the ICRC of the whereabouts of thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli detention, and to allow for the resumption of ICRC visits and family contacts for these detainees. 
  • Interacted with over 1,226 released detainees –through group and individual interviews – to gather information on their treatment and conditions of detention, informing the ICRC’s engagement with relevant authorities. 
  • Continued to engage with Hamas, requesting the unconditional release of over 101 hostages presumed to be remaining in Gaza, and calling for their humane treatment, access to adequate health care, ability to re-establish contact with their families, and for the ICRC to have access to them. 
  • Visited 913 detainees in 15 places of detention in the occupied Palestinian territory, one in Gaza and 14 in the West Bank, to assess and monitor their treatment and conditions of detention. 

Supporting vulnerable people in meeting basic needs and sustaining livelihoods

  • Provided cash assistance to cover basic needs for 64,295 vulnerable individuals (or 12,859 vulnerable households) in Gaza, mostly persons internally displaced by the ongoing hostilities.
  • Distributed traditional clay ovens to five camps in Khan Younis, benefiting 14,400 individuals; 24 camps in the Middle Area, benefiting 24,900 individuals; and two camps in Gaza, serving 1,800 individuals.
  • Provided essential household items, including blankets, jerrycans, tarpaulins and hygiene parcels to 1,365,695 internally displaced persons (or 273,139 households) accommodated in non-UN shelters in Gaza, Khan Younis and the Middle Area. 
  • Delivered high nutritional food bars to 199,509 vulnerable individuals, including children, pregnant women and displaced persons across the Gaza Strip. Plumpy Nut nutritional support was provided to 2,857 individuals.
  • Supported five common kitchens in Rafah, enabling 25,000 vulnerable individuals to receive one cooked meal every day from mid-March to May.
  • Provided ready-to-eat food parcels to 15,149 vulnerable individuals in Gaza.
  • Provided cash assistance to 909 Palestiniandetainees who were released from Israel and returned to Gaza, 342 of whom also received basic clothing. 
  • In the West Bank, 2,640 vulnerable individuals (or 534 vulnerable households) received cash grants to support livestock production, 46 diploma students received vocational training at the Polytechnic University in Hebron, 13 vulnerable households received cash grants to start income-generation activities, and 243 vulnerable households received cash support to help them recover from the consequences of specific incidents of violence in the West Bank. 
  • Provided cash assistance to 575 families whose houses were demolished in various locations in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, to help them meet their immediate needs.
  • Supported 1,110 individuals (or 222 households) as part of the Cash-for-Agriculture Program.
  • Distributed aid to 510 individuals (or 102 households) as part of the Safety Net Program.
  • Provided 742 farmers in the West Bank with 25,000 ecological traps to protect their trees from the olive fruit fly, enabling them to increase their olive trees’ production.

Delivering or enabling emergency medical response

  • Provided 1,213 metric tonnes of medical supplies, including orthopaedic devices, weapon-wounded kits, wound dressing sets, medicine, and emergency medical sets to 19 local health facilities and to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.
  • Deployed two surgical teams, specialized in surgical management of the weapon-wounded, and various other specialists providing a holistic package of care in the European Gaza Hospital in Gaza.
  • Working in the European Gaza Hospital since 1 November 2023, the surgical teams performed 3,521 surgical procedures, 91.6% of which were general surgical interventions, 5.6% were reconstructive surgery, and 2.8% was orthopaedic surgery. 62.2% of the patients were men and 37.8% were women.
  • Provided close post-operative care to over 3,669 patients, and ICRC teams applied 5,126 dressings for patients with complex burns.
  • At European Gaza Hospital, patients and their families have received around 1,500 basic emotional support sessions since November 2023. Since March 2024, patients have received 110 individual sessions of “psychological support in emergency”; patients’ families and caretakers have received 12 family psychosocial support sessions; and one psychosocial support activity was organized for children in the hospital.
  • Provided 3,021 early physical rehabilitation sessions and 96 wheelchairs to patients at the European Gaza Hospital.
  • Activities in European Gaza Hospital have been temporarily ceased due to the evacuation of patients and staff in the beginning of July.
  • Deployed two surgical teams, specialized in surgical management of the weapon-wounded, and various other specialists providing a holistic package of care in the Red Cross Field Hospital in Rafah, southern Gaza. Since its opening, the Red Cross Field Hospital, operated in collaboration with Partner National Societies of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, has provided 29,331 consultations; 865 patients were admitted; and the surgical teams have performed 1403 surgical procedures, 12% of which were orthopaedic surgeries. In total, 95% of the surgical procedures were carried out on weapon-wounded patients.
  • Facilitated childbirth for 155 women in the Red Cross Field Hospital.
  • Responded to 17 mass-casualty events, during which the Red Cross Field Hospital received 349 patients, 195 of which were in critical condition, and 19 were unable to be saved.
  • Provided around 243 wheelchairs and 1,950 assistive devices of different types (e.g., walking frames, crutches) to the seven main Ministry of Health hospitals across the Gaza Strip (i.e., European Gaza Hospital, Al-Shifa Hospital, Nasser Hospital, Beit Hanoun Hospital, Al-Aqsa Hospital, Indonesian Hospital, and Al-Najjar Hospital).
  • Re-contacted 60 children with club foot and followed up on their cases.
  • Registered 600 beneficiaries for cash assistance as part of the Physical Rehabilitation Program (PRP).
  • Provided around 300 wheelchairs to the Patient’s Friends Society’s (Abu Raya Rehabilitation Center) in Ramallah.
  • Launched the registration and documentation process for cases of amputation, spinal cord injuries, and brain injuries leading to limb paralysis (permanent disability) for individuals injured in the war since October 2023, in partnership with the Ministry of Health in Gaza. As a result, 1,770 individuals have registered in the online system, including 1,159 amputees, and a total of 457 cases have been clinically assessed.
  • Supported the Artificial Limb and Polio Center (ALPC) in Gaza City to resume partial operations in mid-July, serving around 300 beneficiaries. Services offered include maintenance of prostheses and orthoses, pre-prosthetic rehabilitation, and the provision of prostheses, orthoses, wheelchairs, and other assistive devices.
  • Made over 280 real-time interventions to facilitate access and safe passage for PRCS ambulances to provide medical care to people injured because of the violence in the West Bank.
  • Provided two negative pressure wound healing machines to Jenin Hospital in the West Bank.
  • Provided over 1,000 litres of IV fluids to emergency health facilities in the West Bank.
  • Supported PRCS in the West Bank with 26 sets of medical items, 2,400 litres of fluids, and six prosthetic and orthopaedic items.
  • Delivered two training courses to support the Association of Rape Crisis Centres in Israel to organize technical workshops for their staff on providing mental health and psychosocial support for victims of sexual violence in armed conflict.
  • Supported the Ministry of Health in the West Bank with 11 sets of medical items.
  • Provided essential support to three primary healthcare facilities in Khan Younis, the Middle Area, and northern Gaza, which in turn provided medical consultations to 70,515 beneficiaries, including routine vaccination to 4,628 children, prenatal services to 964 pregnant women, and the management of 3,279 patients with non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.
  • Supported Jourit Ellout primary health care center in Khan Younis, which participated in the emergency polio vaccination campaign and provided polio vaccines to 4,700 children.
  • Provided eight Mental Health and Psychosocial Support sessions on psychological support in emergencies to 19 staff members of the Ministry of Health who are based in Deir Al-Balah’s primary healthcare center and Jourit Ellout’s primary healthcare center.
  • Provided 440 individual and family mental health and psycho-social support sessions in the Red Cross Field Hospital.
  • Provided 30 group sessions of “Helping the Helpers”  for 176 people in the Red Cross Field Hospital.
  • Provided 2756 physical rehabilitation sessions in the Red Cross Field Hospital.
  • Launched the first group-education program for amputees (i.e., peer support) to provide health awareness, psychoeducation and to focus on the different stages of rehabilitation in the continuum of care from injury to re-integration.
  • Contributed to the immunization of 1,180 children as part of a polio vaccination campaign. 

Delivering or enabling access to clean water and power

  • Helped over 1,300,000 people in and around Gaza City, Deir Al-Balah, Beit Lahia, Khan Younis, and Rafah regain access to clean water by supporting local service providers to operate, fuel, and repair critical water and wastewater facilities and networks and carry out water trucking across the Gaza Strip. 
  • Supported 20,000 internally displaced persons in accessing clean water in 12 shelters in Gaza by carrying out emergency repairs of desalination units and sanitation infrastructure and installing solar-powered water treatment units. 
  • Helped 95,000 internally displaced persons in the Middle Area of the Gaza Strip access clean water by supporting repair works at the seawater desalination plant, enabling the plant to resume operations and double its production to 1,400 m³/day. 
  • Equipped three structures of the local electricity supplier in Gaza (GEDCo) with solar systems to ensure minimum operational continuity of services. 
  • Provided financial support and supplies from the ICRC’s contingency stocks to enable GEDCo to carry out emergency repairs to the power network, protect critical infrastructure, and prepare for rehabilitation as soon as security conditions allow.
  • Rented four water wells in Al-Mawasi, Khan Younis, supplying it with an average of 2,000 m³/day, and benefiting around 600,000 people. 
  • Carried out repairs at the water network of Gaza City downstream of the Mekorot line, securing access to water for 6,000 people in northern Wadi Gaza. 
  • Completed the maintenance of generators at essential water and waste-water treatment facilities in Rafah City, enabling these facilities to continue operating and deliver sanitation services that reduce the risk of communicable diseases for over 1,400,000 people currently living in Rafah.
  • Facilitated the entry of 8,800 litres of oil for the maintenance of generators at essential water and waste-water treatment facilities.
  • Facilitated the entry of one sewage suction truck into Gaza for the desludging and transportation of sewage to disposal areas. 
  • Supported emergency power supply and fuel rationing for 14 hospitals across Gaza through existing ICRC projects for the maintenance, optimization, and resilience of the public health sector’s generator fleet.
  • Supported the installation of reverse osmosis units in six hospitals and clinics in Gaza: Al-Aqsa, Nasser, Najjar and European Gaza hospitals; the Emirati Maternity Hospital in Tal Sultan; and Shuhada clinic, allowing 1,000 kidney dialysispatients and 75,000 internally displaced persons seeking shelter in these hospitals to access clean water.   
  • Provided generator spare parts, oil and fuel filters to Kamal Adwan Hospital and Indonesian Hospital, northern Wadi Gaza. 
  • Built 3,935 family latrines in Al-Mawasi, southern Gaza Strip, providing better access to sanitation for 39,350 internally displaced persons living in tents.
  • Supported emergency water and power supply for the European Gaza Hospital, including through the delivery of two water pumps, 250 meters of water pipes, over 1,500 meters of cables to connect the hospital to water boreholes, supply of electrical and plumbing maintenance material and repair of a borehole to ensure its water supply. 
  • Contributed to the European Gaza Hospital’s capacity to continue functioning in a relatively safe manner during the current crisis. This was combined with significant support provided before the current round of hostilities (i.e., generators, upgrading and synchronization of electricity networks and distribution panels, installation of 3M film, etc.).
  • Supplied and installed dosing pumps for 20 water wells in northern Wadi Gaza to disinfect the water for around 100,000 people.
  • Assisted 5,000 people in H2 area in Hebron to have access to enhanced wastewater and drainage systems by providing technical and material support to Hebron Municipality in the West Bank.
  • Supported the Palestinian Water Authority in the West Bank to enable 6,000 people in Qariout village, 13,000 people in Burin village, and 1,000 people in Joret al Kheil to have improved access to water.
  • Provided technical and material support to Ein Al-Beida Village Council in the Jordan Valley to enhance access to electricity for 1,750 farmers in the area. 
  • Supported 50 households in H2 area in Hebron with solar panels to enhance their access to electricity. 
  • Provided 25 water tanks, 25 tap stands, and 4,000 meters of pipes for emergency repairs in Tulkarem, northern West Bank. 

Preventing risks from weapon contamination

Together with the PRCS, the ICRC helped raise awareness among civilians as well as humanitarian, medical, and other frontline workers in Gaza on the risks of weapon contamination and explosive remnants of war:

  • Distributed awareness messages through SMS to 800,000 phone numbers.
  • Distributed 10,000 awareness coloring books for internally displaced children.
  • Promoted safer behavior among 27,885 civilians through poster campaigns and 991 group sessions for reachable affected populations in hospitals, schools, and shelters.
  • Spread awareness messages through local radio stations and social media platforms.
  • Conducted ‘train the trainer’ sessions to 70 PRCS volunteers to expand weapon contamination awareness across the Gaza Strip.
  • Delivered multidisciplinary trainings to emergency medical services in northern Gaza, Rafah, and Khan Younis to increase their capacity in implementing emergency response in highly contaminated contexts.

Engaging with affected people

  • Received 186,399 requests from people in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel, raising protection concerns for ICRC follow-up.
  • Established two hotlines – in Arabic, Hebrew, and English – dedicated for people looking to re-establish contact with, or ascertain the fate and whereabouts of, their family members. 
  • Reinforced the ICRC’s existing Community Contact Center (CCC) in Gaza and established two additional centers to serve people affected by the conflict and violence in Israel and the West Bank.
  • Answered 68,505 calls from people in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, who raised concerns about losing contact with loved ones, sought support to evacuate people who are injured or trapped in the hostilities, or requested assistance (e.g., food, non-food, water, electricity). 
  • Continued working closely with local communities and service providers to involve them in the ICRC’s needs assessments and its program design, delivery, and evaluation.
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