Israel Launches Airstrikes Against Iran-Backed Houthis in Yemen After They Fired Ballistic Missiles Into Tel Aviv Yesterday

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-29 15:10:43 | Updated at 2024-09-30 05:23:09 14 hours ago

Initial reports of explosions at Hudaydah port in Yemen, after recent Houthi missile attacks on Israel. Heavy strikes reported, says Saher News.

The IDF confirms it conducted an extensive operation to strike Houthi targets in Yemen.

–Dozens of IAF planes, including fighter jets, intelligence aircraft, and aerial tankers participated in mission that struck military targets near Ras Issa and Hodeidah.

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–Targeted power plants, seaport, and other terror infrastructure for importing Iranian weapons, military supplies, and oil.

Senior Israeli official: “The purpose of the attack is to collect a heavy price for their [the Houthis] attacks. If they continue to attack Israel – the attacks will increase. The damage caused to the Houthis is enormous, and it will take them a long time to repair it.”

Related: Iran-Backed Houthis Launch Ballistic Missiles Into Tel Aviv

The Harris-Biden betrayal of Israel may very well be the best thing that happened to Israel. They have subdued themselves for far too long at the behest of the Democrat party of jihad.

At least 10 blasts reported in Yemen, port & power station targeted. via @N12News

— Israel Radar (@IsraelRadar_com) September 29, 2024

🚨Al Hudaydah, Yemen now. Israel is striking the Houthis in a massive way.

— Raylan Givens (@JewishWarrior13) September 29, 2024


Israel launches airstrikes against the Houthis in Yemen.

Large explosions seen right now in the port city of Hodeidah

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) September 29, 2024

Israel has reportedly struck over 10 targets in Yemen after the Houthis fired ballistic missiles at Israel 3 times in the last two weeks.


— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) September 29, 2024

IDF confirms it conducted an extensive operation to strike Houthi targets in Yemen.
➡️Dozens of IAF planes, including fighter jets, intelligence aircraft, and aerial tankers struck military targets near Ras Issa and Hodeidah.
➡️Targeted power plants, seaport, and other…

— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) September 29, 2024

⚠️IDF confirms it conducted an extensive operation to strike Houthi targets in Yemen.

➡️Dozens of IAF planes, including fighter jets, intelligence aircraft, and aerial tankers participated in mission that struck military targets near Ras Issa and Hodeidah.


— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) September 29, 2024

srael launches airstrikes against the Houthis in Yemen.

Israel strike fuel tanks, other targets in Yemen’s Hodeidah port

Israel struck oil reserves in Hodeidah, Yemen, following missile interception, with over ten attacks reported, according to Hezbollah-affiliated media.

By Shir Perets, Jerusalem Post, September 29, 2024:

Yemen’s Hodeidah port was targeted by airstrikes with targets including fuel tanks, two sources at the port told Reuters on Sunday.

Walla reported that Israeli officials announced, “In response to recent Houthi missile attacks on central Israel, the IAF targeted infrastructure at the port, including sensitive oil facilities belonging to the Yemeni rebels. The strike in Yemen was coordinated with the U.S.”

Additionally, Israeli officials emphasized that the strike in Yemen was coordinated with the U.S.


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