Klaus Schwab says AI will control health, finances in transition to ‘Intelligent Age’

By LifeSiteNews (Politics) | Created at 2024-10-02 10:04:36 | Updated at 2024-10-02 12:23:16 2 hours ago

Wed Oct 2, 2024 - 6:00 am EDTTue Oct 1, 2024 - 10:33 am EDT

(The Sociable) — World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab announced that the theme for next year’s annual meeting in Davos will be “Collaboration for the Intelligent Age.”

Schwab made the announcement on the WEF Agenda blog on September 24, where he also declared, “We have already crossed the threshold into the Intelligent Age.”

“It is up to us to determine whether it will lead to a future of greater equality, sustainability and collaboration – or if it will deepen divides that already exist.”

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Schwab may declare that we are now in the Intelligent Age, but what type of intelligence is he actually talking about?

As we shall see, this Intelligent Age is more about the dumbing of humanity and the rise of smart technologies for mass surveillance and censorship that limits our decision-making capabilities:

The Intelligent Age is also transforming how we live. Cities are becoming smarter, with sensors and AI managing everything from traffic flow to energy usage. These smart cities, and the smart homes within them, are not just more efficient, they are designed to be more sustainable, reducing carbon emissions and improving quality of life. — Klaus Schwab, The Intelligent Age: A time for cooperation, September 2024

In his latest post on the WEF Agenda blog, Schwab lists several examples of how AI and automation is outperforming human capabilities.

Some examples Schwab gives include:

  • In healthcare, AI-driven systems are outperforming humans for the benefit of patients
  • In agriculture, farmers are leveraging AI to optimize crop yields while manufacturers are using intelligent systems to improve supply chain efficiency and reduce waste
  • Finance, one of the most conservative industries, is being upended by AI-driven algorithms that predict market movements with increasing accuracy and speed.

Again, we see the Intelligent Age as being ruled by artificial intelligence while human intelligence is driven down.

Apart from cities becoming smarter with sensors and AI, Schwab says that AI is bringing us closer together in virtual spaces and is forever changing how we communicate with one another.

For example, “AI is taking instantaneous and global communication to the next level, enabling real-time translation across languages.”

This sounds nice, but it also means that people aren’t learning new languages, they are simply using AI translators that are getting smarter by the day while we humans are getting dumber.

Another way in which the Intelligent Age is diminishing human intelligence while eroding our decision-making has to do with what types of information we’re allowed to access:

AI-driven platforms are already beginning to mediate much of our communication, whether through social media algorithms that decide what content we see or virtual assistants who manage our schedules and interactions.

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With platforms mediating our communications and censoring content that doesn’t align with narratives coming from unelected globalist bureaucrats, much of our human decision-making is being delegated to public and private entities and their algorithms.

Schwab says that, “As these systems become more sophisticated, they will increasingly shape the flow of information in society, raising important questions about bias and misinformation.”

“As we delegate more decision-making to algorithms, we risk exacerbating social divides if the systems are designed without fairness, inclusion, and an understanding of what it means to be human at their core.”

The WEF founder’s solutions are just what you’d expect of a lifelong unelected globalist with delusions of technocratic grandeur – more public-private partnerships, the fusion of corporation and state, corporatism and fascism on a global scale.

“With the advent of the Intelligent Age, we are confronted both with unprecedented opportunities and unprecedented risks. To navigate this new era responsibly, we need coordinated global efforts across all sectors of society,” wrote Schwab.

Now that we’ve seen what this “Intelligent Age” that Schwab himself invented looks like, let’s look at how he formulated and expanded upon this idea:

We are entering the Intelligent Age, an era far beyond technology alone. This is a societal revolution, one that has the power to elevate humanity – or indeed to fracture it.

Klaus Schwab, World Government(s) Summit 2024:
“We are speaking about the transition of humankind into a new era […] Today we speak about transitioning into what I would call ‘The Intelligent Age.'” pic.twitter.com/Tnlsv6WNa6

— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) February 12, 2024

If we go back to this year’s World Governments Summit that took place in Dubai in February, Schwab gave an address in which he said that the Intelligent Age was a transition away from the industrial age and into a New Dawn of human civilization powered by technologies from the so-called “fourth industrial revolution,” which is another term Schwab made up in 2016.

“Now, we are not speaking just about the fourth industrial revolution; we are speaking about the transition of humankind into a new era, which is not just characterized by technological change – a new era where humankind will enjoy many more opportunities and possibilities,” said Schwab in his World Governments Summit speech entitled Civilizations of Tomorrow: Built to Fail or Rise?

“It’s a transition. We first had the transition about a hundred years ago from the agricultural society to the industrial society, but today we speak about transitioning into what I would call ‘the Intelligent Age,’” he added.

Schwab would then tell a story about how he plugged his idea of an Intelligent Age into ChatGPT that would reinforce his ideology.

Klaus Schwab reads ChatGPT, World Government Summit:
“Envisioning a future propelled by the technologies of the 4IR we see a NEW DAWN of human civilization.. where AI, robotics, the IoT, 3D-printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing become the foundations of our daily life” pic.twitter.com/YL86IDCtxD

— Tim Hinchliffe (@TimHinchliffe) February 12, 2024

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According to Schwab, ChatGPT told him:

Envisioning a future propelled by the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution we see a NEW DAWN of human civilization – one that harmonizes technology with the deepest needs and aspirations of humanity.

This mission unfolds within a society where artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, 3D-printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing become the foundations of our daily life, yet are guiding by a profound respect for human values, creativity, and the natural world.

With this new intelligent age, technology is not merely a tool or an extension of human capabilities; it is a partner in shaping the world where every individual has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Here we see Schwab himself leaning on technology to reinforce his worldview.

As he feeds the algorithm with his globalist ideologies, the algorithm is getting more sophisticated, and it may spew the same rhetoric towards unsuspecting users in the very near future:

It is imperative that we develop environmental, social and geopolitical intelligence alongside technological intelligence.

Schwab has a pattern of repeating himself and recycling phrases that he applies to different “challenges,” whether real or perceived.

For example, if we go back to June of 2020, Schwab said that the pandemic represented “a rare but narrow window of opportunity” to launch the great reset.

The unelected globalist once again said the same of the so-called Intelligent Age.

“The window of opportunity is narrow, but with collective action and responsible leadership, we can seize the potential of this new era and build a world that benefits all of humanity,” wrote Schwab in his latest blog post.

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He named next year’s WEF Annual Meeting in Davos “Collaboration for the Intelligent Age,” after first presenting the idea to the World Governments Summit.

He did the exact same thing in 2022 when he declared, “History is truly at a turning point.”

Back when it was still called the singular World Government Summit, Schwab said on March 30, 2022: “History is truly at a turning point. We do not yet know the full extent and the systemic and structural changes which will happen.”

“However, we do know that global energy systems, food systems, and supply chains will be deeply affected,” he added.

Two months later, the WEF held its Annual Meeting in Davos under the theme, “History at a Turning Point.”

This so-called Intelligent Age is yet another term made up by Klaus Schwab, and it has all the same rhetoric of the great reset agenda, such as requiring a whole-of-society approach to sustainability, equity, and making sure nobody is left behind in this brave new digital gulag powered by the fourth industrial revolution.

Reprinted with permission from The Sociable.

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