Is that not insurrection? Real insurrection.
DC is a sewer. — The District of Columbia may not be a state, but the 23rd Amendment of the United States Constitution gives it three electors and treated like a state for the purposes of the Electoral College. That must be repealed.
Perhaps this is part of why the Trump inauguration has been oved indoors for the first time in 40 years
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🚨#BREAKING: More than half a dozen local police departments are refusing to assist with securing Donald Trumps inauguration.⁰⁰📌#Washington | #DC⁰⁰Currently More than half a dozen local Washington D.C.-area police departments have announced they will not assist the…
— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) January 17, 2025
🚨SCOOP🚨 More than half a dozen local D.C.-area police departments will not be assisting Metro Police Department with security for the 2025 Presidential Inauguration, the Daily Caller has learned.
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 17, 2025
EXCLUSIVE: Local Police Departments Are Refusing To Help DC Secure Trump’s Inauguration
By: Eireann Van Natta, Daily Caller, January 17, 2025:
More than half a dozen local D.C.-area police departments will not be assisting Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) with security for the 2025 Presidential Inauguration, the Daily Caller has learned. The MPD has been lambasted by both progressives and conservatives for its methods of policing, and the department refused to answer several questions from the Caller.
The decision by these departments could leave MPD with hundreds fewer officers than they would typically be able to rely on for an event of this magnitude.
While MPD claimed thousands of officers will assist with security, several local departments told the Caller they will not be helping. Most were vague with their reasons for skipping this year’s inauguration, but one department confirmed in an email that it was because of a dispute over a memorandum of understanding (MOU), or agreement between departments, with MPD.
“I was just told that based on the current MOU, we will not be assisting Metro PD,” a spokesperson for Montgomery County Police Department in Maryland told the Caller.
MCPD was not the only department to make that decision. (RELATED: 3 DC Police Officers Shot By Suspect Barricaded Inside House)
Howard and Queen Anne’s County police departments, also from Maryland, told the Caller they will not be assisting with inauguration security, although Howard PD said it provided security in 2017. Queen Anne’s told the Caller that it would not be assisting in 2025 due to “technical difficulties.” Frederick County Sheriff’s Department will also not be assisting due to staffing reasons.
Anne Arundel County, Maryland State Police, and Prince George’s County all said they would be helping Capitol Police — but not MPD — with security. This suggests that these departments have a particular problem working with MPD, not with the inauguration itself.
Only two departments of the nine who responded to the Caller stated they would be coordinating with MPD for the inauguration. Frederick City in Maryland plans to send about 20 officers, and Loudoun County in Virginia will send around 30 deputies, according to spokespeople for the departments.
The MPD is bringing in additional resources to allow their officers to serve in locations that require security, a source familiar told the Caller. This allows local jurisdictions to “handle more serious incidents,” including civil disobedience, the source added. He noted that the current deployment of officers for the inauguration is in line with past events.T
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