MAJOR Voter Fraud Scheme Uncovered in Pennsylvania

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-10-25 17:07:34 | Updated at 2024-10-25 19:24:02 2 hours ago

Democrats can’t win without cheating.

Breaking: The Lancaster County Board of Elections just announced they’ve uncovered a MAJOR voter fraud scheme in Pennsylvania

But I thought Democrats said voter fraud was a hoax.

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According to the Board, up to 2,500 fraudulent voter registration applications were dropped off in two batches shortly before the deadline.

Authorities believe an organization is behind this fraud, and the District Attorney has vowed to investigate and hold them responsible.

🚨 #BREAKING: The Lancaster County Board of Elections just announced they’ve uncovered a MAJOR voter fraud scheme in Pennsylvania

But I thought Democrats said voter fraud was a hoax?!

According to the Board, up to 2,500 fraudulent voter registration applications were dropped…

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) October 25, 2024

Thousands of suspected fraudulent voter applications intercepted in Lancaster County

by: Brady Doran, ABC27, Oct 25, 2024:

LANCASTER COUNTY, Pa. (WHTM)– The Lancaster County Board of Elections announced staff members identified approximately 2,500 suspected fraudulent voter registration applications that were dropped off at the county election office.

According to the Board of Elections, the voter registration applications were dropped off in two separate batches at or near the submission deadline. Officials say it does not appear the fraudulent applications favored one political party over another and that the apparent operation began in July.

The board says concerns were raised during the application review process, and law enforcement was immediately notified.

District Attorney Heather Adams said in a press conference that 60% of the suspected applications that have been reviewed at this time have been verified as fraudulent. Verified fraudulent applications had a variety of inaccuracies, including names that didn’t match personal information (such as social security information or addresses), duplicate handwriting on applications filled out the same day, and inconsistent signatures.

DA Adams added that some fraudulent applications included matching names and personal information; however, detectives verified these individuals did not register or fill out said applications.

Officials suspect an organization created a canvassing operation to commit voter fraud. Many victims who provided information were approached to register in public spaces, including grocery stores, parking lots, and parks.


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