Warzone’s latest Perk, Low Profile, makes it easier for campers to move around buildings. And, with Verdansk coming soon, promoting sitting in buildings is the last thing the battle royale needs.
In Season 2, Raven Software delayed new Warzone content to prioritize focus on gameplay tuning, adding more quality-of-life improvements, and addressing ongoing bugs. As a result, there isn’t much interest in Warzone at the moment, and declining player count numbers prove that fact.
In February, the battle royale only averaged 54,575 active players. This is another slight drop from the previous month and the lowest since the site started tracking in October 2022.
Despite concerns, Season 3 is set to deliver just what the doctor ordered, as Warzone’s beloved original map, Verdansk, is returning.
Players are excited to relive or experience the iconic map for the first time, but one of Season 2’s only significant introductions spells trouble.
Low Profile Perk promotes camping in Warzone
Players can unlock the Low Profile Perk through the St. Patrick’s Day Clover Craze event. The new Perk improves crouching and prone movement speed by 20%, enemies you kill will not have death markers for their allies, and you move slightly faster when downed.
Crouching in Warzone is quieter than walking normally, so the Perk makes it easier to sneak around buildings without being noticed. Thankfully, you aren’t entirely silent while crouching, so it’s still possible to hear an enemy before they catch you completely off guard.

Yet, I can already see this becoming an issue for players camping in the Hospital or any buildings in Promenade East, Promenade West, or any other building around the map.
It’s only a minor movement boost, so I don’t envision the Perk as a massive game-changer. But I still don’t understand why the devs would introduce an ability that promotes sneaking around while crouched.
Players only crouch in Warzone behind cover or while moving in a building. I still believe that Scavenger will be the best Perk 1 option because you can resupply ammo, equipment, plates, and cash from dead enemies because increased crouch speed is more situational.
In saying that, don’t be surprised if campers use Low Profile instead and take advantage of the ability to catch you by surprise.
Hopefully, the upcoming seasonal update overhauls audio, because we will need all the help we can get pinpointing the location of campers.