Norwegian bishops, Christian groups issue declaration rejecting gender ideology, same-sex ‘marriage’

By LifeSiteNews (Politics) | Created at 2024-10-23 00:28:54 | Updated at 2024-10-23 03:28:08 3 hours ago

Tue Oct 22, 2024 - 8:24 pm EDT

(LifeSiteNews) — Norwegian bishops joined more than 30 Christian groups to sign a declaration upholding biblical teachings on gender ideology and marriage.

On October 15, 31 Christian groups, including Catholic bishops, issued an Ecumenical Declaration on “Gender and Sexual Diversity” that upholds Christian teaching on gender ideology, same-sex “marriage,” in vitro fertilization (IVF), and abortion.

“We believe that much of what is known under the modern terms ‘gender diversity’ and ‘sexual diversity’ is not based on medical knowledge and natural science,” the declaration reads. “This gender ideology is also incompatible with our Christian faith and understanding of reality.”

While many Western bishops are reluctant to publicly decry the LGBT agenda, 31 Christian groups signed the document, including the Norwegian Catholic Bishops’ Council, the Norwegian Lutheran Missionary Society, Foursquare Norway, and the Value Alliance.

The statement is especially brave considering the fact that Norway expanded its “hate speech” laws in 2020 so that privately made “discriminatory remarks” against homosexuals or transgenders could land an offender in prison for a year. If such comments are made publicly, they are punishable by up to three years in prison.

The declaration argued from the basis of the Bible, biology, and respect for children of God against the radical agendas being pushed on society.

“God is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. He has created human beings male and female,” the document began, adding that “All people are created in the image of God.”

However, the signatories warned, “Government bodies and public authorities abuse their mandate and power when they try to pressure citizens and organizations to conform to ‘queer theory’ in relation to gender, sexuality, and marriage.”

“Such activism on the part of government violates religious freedom and freedom of conscience, as well as the rights of parents,” the document declared.

“The idea that there is a subjective gender and a self-chosen ‘gender identity’ that is freely chosen and based on feelings is the result of ideology and has no foundation in biology or science,” it continued.

“This influence can lead to confusion, insecurity, and destructive life choices for many children and young people,” the statement added.

Indeed, research has revealed that drugs used to “gender transition” children, including puberty blockers, high dose estrogen and testosterone, can cause irreversible infertility, make bones brittle, stunt a child’s growth, reduce brain volume, and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, blood clots and various cancers.

The signatories also condemned same sex ‘marriage’, pointing out that “marriage unites one man and one woman.”

“Other forms of sexual relationships represent a ‘diversity’ at odds with the Bible’s theology

of creation and with Jesus’ ethical teaching, even when these relationships are marked by long-lasting fidelity,” it continued.

The document also condemned IVF, which is often promoted as a solution to infertility. While IVF may appear to be pro-family because it can end with a baby, it separates sex from procreation and leads to the death of millions of human embryonic children.

The document also took aim at abortion, which was recently expanded in Norway up to 18 weeks, declaring, “Regardless of the manner in which they are conceived, all children are equally precious, equally loved by God.”

“Children’s rights and the best interests of the child must take precedence over the demands and wishes of adults – in secular society and in the church,” the document declared.

“We wish to encounter all people with respect, reasonably and kindly – ‘speaking the truth in love’ (Ephesians 4:15),” the statement concluded. “But we will not compromise on Biblical truths, even if these truths should conflict with political pressure or societal trends.”

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