NYC Mayor Eric Adams Charged With Accepting Illegal Foreign Campaign Donations, What About Obama?

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-26 16:51:53 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:22:35 3 days ago

Democrats have been taking foreign money for decades. Back in 2008, I broke the story of Obama taking campaign contributions from jihad regions like Gaza. It’s all documented in my book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America . Everyone shrugged. The RNC did nothing. Again.

Obama’s Gazan Contributions

Obama’s Foreign Contribution and Campaign Finance Fraud, The Timeline, The Facts, The Work

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Report: Saudi National Gave Thousands of Illegal Donations to Obama Inaugural Committee

And who paid for Eric Swalwell’s pricey paid-for Qatar trip?

In a trip organized by USQBC, members of the US House of Representatives including @RepSwalwell, @RubenGallego, @SaraJacobsCA, @RepLouCorrea, @RepLisaMcClain met with Qatari Amir @TamimBinHamad.

— US-Qatar Business Council (@USQatar) April 1, 2021

Mayor Adams Charged With Bribery, Fraud as Part of Sweeping Indictment That Lays Out Turkish Government Contribution Scheme

The mayor is also accused of covering up receiving red carpet treatment overseas.

By: The NY Sun, September 26, 202411:11:24 am

The federal indictment against New York City Mayor Eric Adams was unsealed and released to the public today, confirming weeks of speculation that he would be charged with accepting illegal foreign campaign donations from Turkish officials. It was also learned that he accepted lavish travel gifts including stays at posh hotel suites.

Mayor Adams was charged with bribery and fraud in addition to accepting overseas donations for his political campaign.

The indictment, issued by the Southern District of New York, alleges that he sought out and received “illegal campaign contributions to his 2021 mayoral campaign, as well as other things of value, from foreign nationals” and that the trail of corruption continued after his inauguration.

“Adams soon began preparing for his next election, including by planning to solicit more illegal contributions and granting requests from those who supported his 2021 mayoral campaign,” reads a line from the unsealed indictment which also alleges that he defrauded the City of New York by funneling illegal foreign donations through straw donors based in America.

Mr. Adams is also described as a seasoned world traveler and that he took a large amount of gifts from a ““senior official in the Turkish diplomatic establishment.”

Among the gifts he received were described as “free rooms at opulent hotels, free meals at high-end restaurants and free luxurious entertainment while in Turkey.”

The mayor is also alleged to have tried to cover up the receiving of the red carpet treatment he got overseas by paying “a nominal fee to create the appearance of having paid for travel that was in fact heavily discounted” and deleted messages with co-conspirators.


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