You’ll be relieved to know that even as time is running out for the Biden-Harris regime, White House apparatchiks are still hard at work for the American people, dealing with the real problems that affect our day-to-day lives. The regime recently announced the launch of what it billed as “the first-ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Hate.” Now that’s just super, as everyone who knows how important it is for the government to police people’s attitudes and make sure they don’t commit thoughtcrimes, but the initiative, especially coming in these last days of the regime, raises more questions than it answers.
The primary question is: why are Biden-Harris wonks launching policy initiatives? Unless the left throws us a massive curve in the next nine days, which is possible but increasingly unlikely, the Biden-Harris regime is just about to be consigned to the dustbin of history. Does it have enough time to stamp out “Islamophobia,” which the left has been whining about since even before 9/11? Or does the regime intend to give deep state bureaucrats marching orders that it will follow, under the radar, during the new Trump administration? Or is the whole thing just grandstanding?
The latter option seems to be the most likely. After all, the 2024 election is over, so there is no further need to court Muslim Arab voters in Michigan and Minnesota. Still, there will be another presidential election, and other elections, and so it’s likely that this new initiative to counter “Islamophobia” is designed to ensure that Muslim voters who are enraged that the regime didn’t abandon Israel altogether stay in the fold.
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The White House’s new strategy to fight the scourge of “Islamophobia” kicks off with a letter signed by Old Joe himself, claiming that “over the last year, we have experienced a sharp increase in discrimination and violence against Muslim, Arab, and Jewish communities in the United States.” That sounds terrible indeed, but let’s look at the actual record.
The FBI Crime Data Explorer says that there were 265 hate crimes in the past year that were classified as “Anti-Jewish.” This just edged out hate crimes that were “Anti-Black or African American” for the top spot on the hate crimes list; there were 220 of those.
After that, there is a steep drop-off. There were 83 “Anti-Gay (Male)” hate crimes, 79 “Anti-White” hate crimes, and so on. Finishing ninth in the hate crimes standings were “Anti-Islamic (Muslim)” hate crimes, which numbered only 24.
This means that antisemitic attacks are over the past year, when the Biden-Harris regime claims that there has been “a sharp increase in discrimination and violence against Muslim, Arab, and Jewish communities,” there were ten times more frequent than anti-Muslim hate crimes. Add in the twelve “Anti-Arab” hate crimes, and Muslims and Arabs still finish in seventh place, with anti-Jewish hate crimes over seven times more common. And remember, these numbers come from the corrupt and politicized FBI, which would love to show a spike in “Islamophobia” if it could. But it can’t. So why is the regime pretending that “Islamophobia” is a big problem in America today?
Whatever the answer to that question may be, the regime hastens to assure Muslims in the U.S. that they’re rushing to their aid: “The Strategy contains more than 100 Executive Branch Actions and more than 100 Calls to Action to every sector of society to prevent and address such violent attacks and to ensure that Muslim and Arab Americans enjoy the liberties and opportunities that are the bedrock of our country. With this initiative, we are creating a path for progress, in partnership with all levels of government, civil society, and the private sector, both now and over the long term.” Here again, the regime seems to assume that this initiative will continue over the next four years and beyond.
Whatever the significance of that unsettling little fact may be, just for comparison’s sake, the last time the White House issued a “strategy” to combat antisemitism was over seven months ago, on May 7, 2024.
What we have here is yet another Biden-Harris regime inversion of reality. It’s not quite as large as insisting that everyone pretend that Rachel Levine is a woman, but it’s still massive. And if this is implemented, as it very well could be if the deep state prevails over Trump or if his administration is too busy with more pressing matters to stop it, it will have a chilling effect upon any remaining honest discussion of the motivating ideology behind jihad terrorism. The jihadists will then have essentially a free hand, with law enforcement and intelligence officials too frightened of charges of “Islamophobia” to go after them. Celebrate diversity!
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