One of America’s Worst Presidents, Jimmy Carter, Dies at 100

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-12-30 12:41:34 | Updated at 2025-01-02 14:57:00 3 days ago

Jimmy Carter was such a disaster for America and the free world, the only good thing that came out of his catastrophic presidency was the Reagan landslide.

Watch the disgraceful, now-deceased antisemite Jimmy Carter, who accused Israel of being an apartheid state. He claimed to have met with Hamas terrorists and blamed Israel for not negotiating with them. He referred to Israel as an “occupation” and accused the Israeli lobby of…

— Awesome Jew (@JewsAreTheGOAT) December 30, 2024

Carter’s failure to confront radical Islamism cost him a second term. After he left office, he continued to support radical Islamists, including those seeking to destroy Israel. His appeasement of evil led to the disastrous rise of the Iranian Ayatollah — in the immediate term…

— David M Friedman (@DavidM_Friedman) December 30, 2024

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Jimmy Carter has finally shuffled off this mortal coil, and now the world is about to be subjected to the nauseating spectacle of his canonization. Let's not forget, this man, who paraded around with a veneer of holiness, had a troubling inability to tell right from wrong.…

— Afshine Emrani MD FACC (@afshineemrani) December 29, 2024

National Review with a brutal takedown of Jimmy Carter.

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) December 30, 2024

Carter was the worst President in American history until Obama and his puppet Biden (Obama 2.0)

— 🇺🇸 Pamela Geller 🎗️🇮🇱 (@PamelaGeller) December 29, 2024

In 2008, Jimmy Carter deliberately flew to Syria to meet with Hamas leader Khaled Mashal.

Responding to critics, Carter stubbornly defended his decision stating: “The last meetings that I've had with Hamas leaders, immediately following the election in January of 2006, they…

— The Persian Jewess (@persianjewess) December 30, 2024

Jimmy Carter Was a Terrible President — and an Even Worse Former President

By Philip Klein, National Review, December 29, 2024:

A popular narrative surrounding the legacy of Jimmy Carter is that as president he was a victim of unlucky timing that impeded him politically but that he excelled during his long post-presidential career. The reality is that he was a terrible president but an even worse former president.

Carter’s true legacy is one of economic misery at home and embarrassment on the world stage. He left the country in its weakest position of the post–World War II era. After being booted out of office in landslide fashion, the self-described “citizen of the world” spent the rest of his life meddling in U.S. foreign policy and working against the United States and its allies in a manner that could fairly be described as treasonous. His obsessive hatred of Israel, and pompous belief that only he could forge Middle East peace, led him to befriend terrorists and lash out at American Jews who criticized him.

A former governor of Georgia who had little charisma and national name recognition when he began campaigning for president, Carter ended up in the White House as a fluke. He presented an image as an honest, moderate, and humble southern Evangelical Christian outsider — an antidote to the corruption of the Watergate era. He also benefited from the vulnerabilities of the sitting president, Gerald Ford.

Once in office as an unlikely president, Carter spent his one and only term showing the American people, and the rest of the world, that he was not up to the job.

When he took the presidential oath in January 1977, the unemployment rate was a high 7.5 percent; when he left office in January 1981, it was just as high. Meanwhile, inflation, which was already elevated at 5.7 percent in 1976, the year he was elected, went up in each of his years in office — and reached a staggering 13.5 percent in 1980, the year he was booted out. The only year in the post–World War II period in which inflation was higher was 1947, when the economy was booming and unemployment was minuscule. Put another way, to maintain the buying power that $100 had on the month Carter was sworn into office, you’d need $150 by the time he left the White House just four years later. Under Carter, gas prices doubled, and the supply became so scarce that Americans had to endure long lines at stations to fill up their tanks.

On the international stage, Carter showed weakness, and America’s enemies took notice. Rather than recognize the true nature of the Soviet threat, he preached the defeatist ideology of “peaceful coexistence,” and the USSR steamrolled into Afghanistan. Also under his watch, radical Islamic revolutionaries took over Iran, holding Americans hostage for the last 444 days of his presidency.

It is telling that the defining speech of his presidency was known as the “malaise speech,” in which he spoke not as a leader but as an essayist writing on the “crisis of confidence” in America. He observed: “For the first time in the history of our country a majority of our people believe that the next five years will be worse than the past five years.” As he built a legacy of scarcity, he criticized Americans for wanting plenty, lamenting that “too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption.”

It should be no surprise that Ronald Reagan’s message of strength and optimism turned 1980 into a complete rout. Carter not only lost 489 electoral votes to 49, but he got trounced by ten points in the popular vote — even though an independent candidate, John Anderson, drew 7 percent.


He preached against Jews in Sunday school.

He defamed the State of Israel and embraced Hamas and other terrorists.

He wrote a personal note to the DOJ asking them not prosecute a former Nazi guard.

Jimmy Carter was an antisemite and a moral atrocity.

— ShipofTheseus (@JewishSpaceLazr) December 30, 2024

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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