“Palestinian” Muslim Terrorists Murder 3 Israelis, Wound 8 in Judea/Samaria Terror Shooting; IDF hunting for gunmen

By Geller Report | Created at 2025-01-07 14:01:51 | Updated at 2025-01-12 10:58:40 4 days ago

The Palestinian Authority is Hamas, and Hamas is the Palestinian Authority. Call your member of Congress and demand that all U.S aid to the Palestinian Authority is stopped. The ‘aid’ is used by the Palestinian Authority to finance terror attacks against Jews living in Israel.

The incoming Trump Administration must designate the Palestinian Authority as a non-state sponsor of terrorism. The RJC must lobby Republicans in the House and Senate to do the same thing. The Palestinian Authority must never be granted a state.

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Related – More Than 1,000 Terror Attacks in West Bank and Jerusalem Thwarted in 2024

WATCH: What you need to know about the murderous terror attack by Palestinian terrorists against Israelis near Kdumim, West Bank/Judea and Samaria. pic.twitter.com/AMQ4rfjkSx

— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) January 6, 2025

A horrific day here in Israel, with three Israelis murdered and 8 injured in a terrorist shooting attack near Kedumim.

Our hearts go out to the families of the victims and we pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded.

May the memory of the victims be a blessing.

📸@MDAIS pic.twitter.com/L4exBsp4eJ

— Israel ישראל (@Israel) January 6, 2025

Israel is under attack. Constantly.
Another vicious Palestinian terror attack has occurred today. Three Israelis were brutally murdered: two women in their sixties and one man in his forties. Eight people were wounded. Families have been shattered.
This is what we struggle with…

— Gideon Sa’ar | גדעון סער (@gidonsaar) January 6, 2025

3 Israelis killed, 8 wounded in West Bank terror shooting; IDF hunting for gunmen

Attackers open fire on two cars and bus on major road used by settlers and Palestinians, then flee, authorities say; army surrounds Nablus as leaders vow to capture killers

By TOI, Jan 6th, 2025

Two elderly women and an off-duty cop were killed and at least eight other Israelis were wounded when Palestinian terrorists opened fire on vehicles in the northern West Bank on Monday morning, the military and medics said.

The shooting attack, which targeted a bus and two cars, occurred inside the Palestinian village of al-Funduq, which straddles a major artery used by thousands of Israelis and Palestinian drivers daily. The army said it launched a manhunt for the gunmen.

The fatalities were identified as Master Sgt. Elad Yaakov Winkelstein, a police officer, and Rachel Cohen and Aliza Raiz.

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