Panda Watch: twins’ eyes open wider, spotlight shared with Hong Kong newcomers An An and Ke Ke

By South China Morning Post | Created at 2024-09-27 03:02:41 | Updated at 2024-09-30 13:23:31 3 days ago

Panda Watch is a weekly blog by the Post that tracks the latest on the baby panda twins – the first to be born in Hong Kong – until they are ready to meet the public. To read our previous blog entries, click here.

Hong Kong’s panda cub twins have had to share the spotlight over the past few days as the city welcomed the arrival of two adult bears from mainland China’s Sichuan province.

The twins have passed the six-week mark, with Ocean Park continuing to delight fans with frequent updates on their growth – thickening fur, increasingly pronounced black and white colours, and constant squeaking as they roll about in their incubators.

Their eyes have yet to fully open, but “separation” between the upper and lower eyelids has begun, according to an Instagram post.

“Then after about a month and a half, [their] eyes will be completely opened,” the post said.

Meanwhile, the city welcomed two new adult pandas gifted by Beijing to celebrate the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to Chinese sovereignty.

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