Plaskett: FBI, DOJ Weaponized to Fight White Political Dissidents and Must Stay That Way

By The New American | Created at 2024-09-26 18:51:57 | Updated at 2024-09-30 05:14:37 3 days ago
 FBI, DOJ Weaponized to Fight White Political Dissidents and Must Stay That Way AP Images Stacey Plaskett

The Democratic delegate from the U.S. Virgin Islands unbosomed herself yesterday of downright frightening remarks about the FBI and Justice Department’s putative mission.

Their job, Stacey Plaskett thinks, is to shut down white conservative political opposition to Democratic tyranny and stop “would-be dictator Donald Trump” from becoming president. Something of an irony about her remarks is that she delivered them in a hearing of the Judiciary Committee’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

Plaskett confessed that the government has indeed been weaponized.

The largely unknown, uncelebrated delegate once falsely claimed that the federal government and Twitter did not collaborate to censor or discredit conservative dissidents during the 2020 election. And she’s among the many top Democrats who have repeatedly employed violent, perilous rhetoric about Trump.

FBI’s, DOJ’s Job Is to Stop Trump

Plaskett is the ranking Democrat on the subcommittee, even though she is a nonvoting delegate from an island in the Atlantic Ocean. The committee is probing the political bias of the Justice Department, a job that Plaskett thinks will disrupt its mission. Or rather, what she thinks that mission should be.

“What is the point of this subcommittee?” Plaskett fumed. “Because it’s necessary for the public and the media to hear, to try and provide cover for the eradication of the Department of Justice and the FBI.”

One would think Plaskett would steer clear of any such nefarious plot, quit the panel then and there, and flee the room. Alas and alack, she continued:

We are having these hearings so that you become immune, you become inured to the notion of the removal of the FBI and DOJ, so that those agencies are no longer there to serve as a check against white nationalism, great replacement theorists, Christian nationalists, white fragility, fascists, and the twice-impeached convicted felon, former president and would-be dictator Donald Trump.

Which means that Plaskett answered her own question. The FBI and DOJ are indeed weaponized to go after her political enemies, not least, “would-be dictator” Trump. She expects those agencies to police political speech and activities — described in the usual code words of the hate-Trump Left — she doesn’t like.

That said, Plaskett had a warning for her critics on X:

Listen. I’ve heard and read all the vitriolic things said on X about my @HouseDemocrats colleagues and I on the Weaponization Subcommittee 🙄 Ain’t nobody scared of y’all #keyboardthugs.

Twitter Files

Yesterday’s hearing wasn’t Plaskett’s first time proving that she might be off her rocker.

Another occasion was the committee’s hearings on the Federal Trade Commission’s effort to squeeze information out of Matt Taibbi and other journalists about their role in reporting on the notorious Twitter Files.

After Elon Musk bought Twitter, he called it a “crime scene” and revealed the now notorious Twitter Files to journalists. The files proved that the Biden administration ordered Twitter to shut down conservatives. The FTC went berserk.

Twelve FTC letters to Twitter contained more than 350 demands for information. A subcommittee report concluded that

the FTC “has been attempting to harass Twitter and pry into the company’s decisions on matters outside of the FTC’s mandate….

The FTC demanded details of Twitter’s interactions with journalists, including “Bari Weiss, Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, [and] Abigail Shrier,” and the identities of all other journalists to whom Twitter had potentially provided access of its internal records.

The files revealed that the FBI paid Twitter $3.4 million to do its bidding. That included shutting down the Hunter Biden laptop story.

The demands clearly attempted to stifle the journalists and stop their reporting.

Plaskett’s response: She falsely claimed the Twitter Files adduced no such thing. And she smeared Taibbi and Shellenberger as “so-called journalists.”

Taibbi schooled the so-called congresswoman: “I’ve won the National Magazine Award, the I.F. Stone Award for Independent Journalism, and I’ve written 10 books, including four New York Times bestsellers.”

Trump Should Be “Shot”

Aside from Plaskett’s abysmal performance above, she appeared on MSNBC to discuss national security and Trump’s storing classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate.

She told hate-Trump, so-called journalist Jonathan Capehart:

Having Trump not only have had the codes but now having the classified information for Americans and being able to put that out and share it in his resort with anyone and everyone who comes through should be terrifying to all Americans. And he needs to be shot—stopped.

Other Democratic Hate Speech

Plaskett’s admission that the FBI and DOJ are indeed weaponized to shut down political dissent comes after comments from Democratic Representative Jasmine Crockett of Texas and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Crockett recently called Trump supporters a domestic terror threat.

“When I talk about MAGA, I talk about the fact that when we swore in, finally, in January, that we swore to defend against those that are coming against us, whether they are domestic or international,” she said:

Right now, I feel like MAGA, in general, they are threats to us domestically. And we see it time and time again. …

The problem isn’t the people coming in [illegal immigrants]. The problem is this guy and his people here that are doing the bomb threats throughout our country. Domestic terrorism is a real thing, and he is the guy that stokes it.

Undoubtedly, Clinton agrees with Plaskett’s claim that the FBI and DOJ must “serve as a check” on political dissidents.

She recently told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow that Americans who spread “propaganda … should be civilly, or even in some cases criminally, charged” as a deterrent to telling the truth — most notably about politicians like Clinton.

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