Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem (10/3/24)[Prayer]

By Free Republic | Created at 2024-10-03 12:43:39 | Updated at 2024-10-05 15:28:00 2 days ago

Our Father Who Art In Heaven,
How Holy and Sanctified is Your Most Glorious Name!
And How Wonderful You Are,
Ancient of Days,
Rock of Ages,
Our Strong Tower,
Our Ever Present Help in Times Of Trouble!
Only You Are Worthy of Our Praise And Worship,
Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent!
You Are Always Aware of Our Most Intimate and Fleeting Thoughts,
As Well As Our Place in the Global Scheme of Things.

Let all that has been Concealed
Be Revealed.

Father, We Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem,
According To Your Will and Promise.
We Pray That You Will Forgive The Sins
of Our Own Nation,
and Lead us all to Godly Repentance.
Create in Us Clean Hearts, Oh LORD,
and Renew a Right Spirit Within Us.

This we Pray Together,
As We Await Your Messiah,
Blessed Be He,
To Set Up His Kingdom,
And Make All Things Right.

God Bless America.

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