Cleaning house.
Trump fires at least 17 independent inspectors general
By Reuters, Jan. 25, 2025:
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President Donald Trump fired 17 independent watchdogs at multiple government agencies on Friday, a person with knowledge of the matter said, eliminating a critical oversight component and clearing the way to replace them with loyalists.
The inspectors general at agencies including the departments of state, defense and transportation were notified by emails from the White House personnel director that they had been terminated immediately, the source said on condition of anonymity.
The dismissals appeared to violate federal law, which requires the president to give both houses of Congress reasons for the dismissals 30 days in advance.
President Donald Trump waves at he exits off Air Force One At Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas on Jan. 24, 2025.President Donald Trump waves as he exits Air Force One At Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas on Jan. 24, 2025. AFP via Getty Images
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
An inspector general is an independent position that conducts audits and investigations into allegations of waste, fraud and abuse of power.
Agencies are pressing ahead with orders from Trump, who returned to the presidency on Monday, to reshape the federal bureaucracy by scrapping diversity programs, rescinding job offers and sidelining more than 150 national security and foreign policy officials.
Friday’s dismissals spared the Department of Justice inspector general, Michael Horowitz, according to the New York Times.
The Washington Post, which was first to report the dismissals, said most were appointees from Trump’s 2017-2021 first term.
Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, called Trump’s action a “purge of independent watchdogs in the middle of the night,” posting on X: “President Trump is dismantling checks on his power and paving the way for widespread corruption.”
Former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, an ally of the president, defended the decision on X, saying “existing IGs are virtually worthless.”
“They may bring a few minor things to light but accomplish next to nothing,” she wrote. “The whole system needs to be revamped! They are toothless and protect the institution instead of the citizens.”
Many politically appointed leaders of agencies and departments come and go with each administration, but an inspector general can serve under multiple presidents.
During his first term, Trump fired five inspectors general in less than two months in 2020. This included the State Department, whose inspector general had played a role in the president’s impeachment proceedings.
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