Prison Time? Secretary of State Tony Blinken in Contempt of Congress

By Geller Report | Created at 2024-09-25 13:35:38 | Updated at 2024-09-30 07:33:37 4 days ago

Antony Blinken failed to attend a Tuesday hearing on the Biden-Harris administration’s bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan, defying a congressional subpoena and setting the stage for him to be the first secretary of state ever held in contempt of Congress.

Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro were sent to jail for this very thing. I expect no less for Blinken. But with the perverse Democrat two-tier justice system, don’t hold your breath. Let’s see if Republicans continue to be the spinless, gutless, do-nothing partty they are infamous for.

Related: DEMOCRAT TYRANNY: Trump White House Official Peter Navarro Sentenced to Jail for Congressional Subpoena

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Pattern of Obstruction’: Blinken No-Shows Hearing on Afghan Withdrawal, Defying Subpoena and Prompting Contempt Resolution

By: Adam Kredo, Washington Free beacon, September 24, 2024:

Antony Blinken failed to attend a Tuesday hearing on the Biden-Harris administration’s bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan, defying a congressional subpoena and setting the stage for him to be the first secretary of state ever held in contempt of Congress.
Secretary of State Tony Blinken was supposed to appear before Congress on Tuesday. The House Foreign Affairs Committee subpoenaed himto testify about the Biden-Harris administration’s bungled Afghanistan withdrawal, but he was a no-show.

In a resolution to hold Blinken in contempt of Congress, committee chairman Michael McCaul said the move reflected a “pattern of obstruction” from the administration. That resolution advanced through the committee in a party line vote and will now move to the full House. If passed, Blinken would become the first secretary of state held in contempt of Congress.

“Blinken was mandated under subpoena by the House Foreign Affairs Committee to testify about the botched 2021 evacuation that brought the Taliban back to power and left 13 American service members dead,” our Adam Kredo reports. “He was expected to face tough questions about a recently unveiled congressional report detailing how the United States abandoned a ‘significant amount of classified information,’ advanced biometric data, and millions in cash when it fled the war-torn country.”

“Instead, the State Department informed the committee on Monday evening that Blinken would be a no-show, claiming he is too busy with the United Nations General Assembly in New York City to attend, according to sources familiar with the situation. … Committee sources, however, say that Blinken was offered any day in September to appear for testimony and that the State Department failed to select another day of its choosing.”

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